Registration For Hullnumber


Please Choose your Command
Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE SSN-589 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1959 CPO Hutterman William Carbonado WA
1959 CPO Kaiser Jr John J Philadelphia PA
1959 CPO Maney James Vienna VA
1959 EM Sykes Robert Newburgh NY
1959 EN Lukasiewski En1ss Richard Rockville CT
1959 ET Rogers Thomas Phoenix AZ
1959 FT Reneau Leonard Dallas TX
1959 LT Baciocco Albert San Francisco CA
1959 YN Wilson James Hogansville GA
1960 EN Smith Carl Marks MS
1960 MM Wand Al Elizabeth IL
1961 AB Delete Name No Way To GA
1961 MM Stevens T.m. Livonia MI
1962 CT Arnold John Saratoga CA
1962 EM Foster Stephen Troy KS
1962 QM Orapallo Philip Howard Beach NY
1962 TM Kreider Jonas Myerstown PA
1963 EM Brotherton Kenneth L. Millersport OH
1963 EM Brotherton Kenneth Millersport OH
1963 EN Chapman Marshall Charlotte NC
1963 EN Chapman Marshall Charlotte NC
1963 IC Jeffries Charles Montesano WA
1963 RM Flenner Allen South Fork PA
1964 CS Pearson Donald Indianapolis IN
1964 CS Pearson Donald Indianapolis IN
1964 CT Hollaway Billy Bowie TX
1964 EM Elnicki Andrew Jewett City CT
1964 IC Pratt Jerry Des Moines IA
1964 MM William Clarinda IA
1965 MM Locke Judson Mobile AL
1965 QM Post Paul Silver Spring MD
1966 ET Hansford John Johnston City IL
1966 QM Greve Mike Memphis TN
1967 CMDR Knoblett Paul Palestine IL
1968 CMDR Slattery Frank A.(boat Lost At Sea 05-68) West Paris (in Memory Of) ME
1968 CPO Mazzuchi Frank Norfolk VA
1968 CS Jorge New York NY
1968 CS Santana Jorge New York NY
1968 LCDR Lloyd David B. (boat Lost 05-68) VA
1968 LCDR Lloyd David B. (boat Lost 05-68) VA
1974 RM Minton Jim San Diego CA





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