Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE SS-523 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1949 EM Lowe Bill Indianapolis IN
1950 SM Starnes John Jersey City NJ
1951 EM Stockwell Russell Waveland IN
1951 SO Windle Allan Hall MD
1952 CS Rucker Warren Lynchburg VA
1952 IC Wilkins David Tulsa OK
1952 QM Bateman Carl Manville RI
1952 QM Rock Joseph E. Natick MA
1952 SCPO Sorrow Jack Atlanta GA
1953 SO Munoz George New York NY
1954 Ortiz Jim Albuquerque AZ
1954 CS Gillespie Russell Philadelphia PA
1954 EM Carter Fred Section AL
1954 EM Carter Robert F. Section AL
1955 EM Beadle William Beadle Detroit Michigan MI
1956 EM Most Joe Liberty NY
1956 EM Vincent Curtis Washington DC
1956 EN Dietrich Sr John Essex MD
1956 ET Wiltshire Kenneth Cleveland OH
1956 QM Everett Robert Freeport TX
1957 CT Arnold John Saratoga CA
1957 FT Green Raymond San Antonio TX
1957 YN Richard Franklin Nantucket MA
1957 YN Richard Franklin Nantucket MA
1958 IC Rothschild Ruben Pittsburgh PA
1958 IC Wirkala Allan Braintree MA
1958 MM Marquette Herman Hartfield VA
1959 EM Alfred Floyd Mcdonald PA
1959 EM Alfred Floyd Mcdonald PA
1959 EN Winters Kenneth Seattle WA
1959 FT Arford Robert New Castle IN
1959 TM Pyle Robert Cincinnati OH
1960 EM Carmichael Horace Rocky Mount NC
1960 EN Mathews Gary Rockford IL
1960 IC Taylor John North Wales PA
1960 LTJG Watson Louis Jackson MS
1960 SO Sutton James Pleasantville NJ
1960 TM Lloyd Harold Millsboro DE
1961 ET Payne David Terre Haute IN
1961 FN Smith Kenneth Arlington TX
1961 LCDR Page James Harrison AR
1961 QM Meiser Richard New Cumberland PA
1962 EM Ruiz Jay Manila CA
1962 EN Johnson Ray Somerville NJ
1962 FT Denniston Richard (Denny) Brimfield MA
1962 FT Fleming Bud Auburn CA
1962 FT Grund Frederick Baltimore MD
1962 IC Heaps Bob Columbus OH
1962 MM Novak Bill Oklahoma City OK
1962 MM Thompson Paul Meridosia IL
1962 MT Henderson William Cleveland OH
1962 SM Brunette Ed Tupper Lake NY
1962 ST Boehme Roger Perryville MO
1962 TM Sammel Jeff Pittsburgh PA
1962 TM Tyler George Richmond VA
1963 HM Witt John Elkhart IN
1963 MM Lemmerman Jack Nyc NY
1963 MM Oiler Larry North Berwick ME
1963 RM Schleicher Bob Hopedale OH
1963 TM Kenny Michael John Providence RI
1963 TM Kenny Michael John Providence RI
1963 YN Slattery Ernest Edison NJ
1964 IC Heppding Wayne Baltimore MD
1964 IC Heppding Wayne Baltimore MD
1964 MCPO Cupp Riley Marceline MO
1964 MM Byron Daniel Lawrence MA
1964 RM Nutter Bill Washington Dc DC
1964 TM Bowling Gary Homerville OH
1965 CS Saunders Herbert Boston MA
1965 ET Graves James Homer NY
1965 ET Leeke Richard Lincoln NE
1965 MM Byron Daniel Boston MA
1965 MM Stewart John Altoona PA
1965 QM Peterson Arthur Dubois PA
1966 EN Zinda John Orlando FL
1966 ET Leeke Rick Lincoln NE
1966 IC Duffy Ron Lowell MA
1966 IC Lavogue George/frenchie Youngstown OH
1966 IC Stewart Jesse Forest MS
1966 SM Heyser Doug Oreland PA
1966 SN Musarra Joseph Cleveland OH
1966 SN Reeve Gary E. Moriches NY
1967 EM Addison Ronald Baltimore MD
1967 EN Mcgrath Paul Concord MA
1967 SCPO Stjohn Robert Norfolk VA
1967 TM Kelley Richard/dick Salina KS
1967 TM Moroney James Cleveland OH
1968 CMDR Taylor Patterson Honolulu HI
1968 CMDR Taylor Patterson Honolulu HI
1968 CPO Breen Richard Barnesboro PA
1968 EN Davis Dale WA
1968 EN Davis Dale WA
1968 EN Gross Robert (bob) Phoenix AZ
1968 EN Hogarth Ronald Towson MD
1968 EN Louden James La Harpe IL
1968 FT Quillin Jim Fair Play MO
1968 LT Bowen Arthur Selinsgrove PA
1968 RM Bercsa Dennis San Carlos CA
1968 RM Bercsa Dennis San Carlos CA
1968 SCPO St John Robert Columbus MS
1968 SN Holden Ronald Hopewell VA
1968 ST Morrow Fred (rufus) Shelburne VT
1968 ST O Brien Thomas Wheaton MD
1968 ST O Brien Thomas Wheaton MD
1968 TM Booth Edward Cincinnati OH
1968 TM Murnane Bill Staten Island NY
1968 TM Roche Bill Bricktown NJ
1968 TM Roche
1968 TM Vernon Gary Winston-salem NC
1968 YN Crampton Terry Madison Heights MI
1968 YN Narick Kevin Moundsville WV
1969 IC Montgomery Michael Elwood IN
1969 LCDR Mcleod Sam Bronwood GA
1969 QM De Lude John Salem MA
1969 RM Bercsa Dennis San Carlos CA
1970 CS Baker Fred Clinton TN
1970 CS Baker Fred Clinton TN
1970 CS Huntley Ralph Detroit Lakes MN
1970 QM Paschall Cliff Norfolk VA
1971 CS Aumen Stephen Abbottstown PA
1971 EM Helton James Huntsville AL
1971 EM Helton James Huntsville AL
1971 EN Clymer Robert Boone IA
1971 MM Barker William Defiance OH
1971 MM Stein Al CA
1971 MM Woodside Steve Warminster PA
1971 MM Woodside Steve Warminster PA
1971 ST Mace Charles Spencer WV





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