Registration For Hullnumber


Please Choose your Command
Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE MSO-459 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1955 SO Lewis Peter Southbridge MA
1956 LT Young George
1956 QM Humphrey George IA
1956 QM Neely John
1956 RD Hanson Fred
1956 SK Dudek Mike Poughkeepsie NY
1956 SO Clendenning Glen
1956 SO Tiffany Douglas Cheyenne WY
1957 ET Raup Chuck PA
1958 ENS Gretzinger Kris
1958 LTJG Stone Robert
1959 EN Parady Thomas New Castle PA
1959 EN Parady Thomas New Castle PA
1963 BM Avant Phil Camden SC
1963 BM Ribordy Ronald Attwood KS
1963 SK Pogue Richard Kathleen GA
1964 LCDR Biles George Charlotte NC
1964 RD Baier Joe Pittsburgh PA
1965 ST Mullen Rod Mpls MN
1965 YN Medina Vic New Braunfels TX
1966 EN Petersen Ralph Woodbridge NJ
1966 EN Petersen Ralph Woodbridge NJ
1966 EN Petersen Ralph Woodbridge NJ
1966 EN Sullivan James Winthrop MA
1966 EN Sullivan James Winthrop MA
1966 EN Sullivan James Winthrop MA
1966 ENS Petersen Ralph Perth Amboy (woodbridge) NJ
1966 ENS Williamson Hance Rome GA
1966 RD Mullen Greg Minneapolis MN
1966 RD Mullen Greg Minneapolis MN
1966 RM Mitchell Jim Covington GA
1967 BM Calado George Ann Arbor MI
1967 BM Laudonio Frank Long Island NY
1967 EM Hicks William R Lynn MA
1967 FN Sabatino Robert Dumont NJ
1968 EN Grubb John Flora IN
1968 LTJG Steele Russell Richmond VA
1968 RM Babiineau Ronald Lynn MA
1969 PN Thomes Joseph Randolph MN





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