Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE MSO-435 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1957 EM Whitehead James Red Bluff CA
1957 EN Corbin Jack San Pedro CA
1957 EN Thompson Jake
1957 RD Kleinschmidt Kenneth Plainville KS
1957 SM Robinson Arnold Chicago IL
1960 EM Ringlein Ronald Spalding NE
1961 EN Peters Ronald Houston TX
1961 RM Burdick Michael Lemmon SD
1962 EM Stanley Joe El Reno OK
1963 ENS Humphrey Chuck Mullen NE
1963 YN Dempsey Roy Piedmont SC
1964 ET Chism Richard San Diego CA
1964 ST Kaurin Ronald Billings MT
1965 EN Lawrence Hugh Butte MT
1965 EN Straley Russell Auburn WV
1965 EN Switzer Charles Cortez CO
1965 FC Ezell Maurice Lacomb LA
1965 LTJG Cooper Roger Huntington Beach CA
1965 PN Archuletta Patrick (arch) Denver CO
1965 RM French Armand Anaheim CA
1965 SK Block Jerry Eugene OR
1965 SN Hines Lanzy Houston TX
1965 SN Winn James Portland OR
1966 BM Lafalce John Albany NY
1966 CS Kreidel Roy Norwalk CT
1966 SK Segara Tony Guanica PR
1966 SK Segarra Tony Ensenada PR
1967 BM Lahare John Golden Meadow LA
1967 EM Gleim Richard Fresno CA
1967 EN Brian Randall Canfield OH
1967 EN Diggs Preston Los Angeles CA
1967 GM Laukala Wayne Minneapolis MN
1968 ET Hersey Robert Bozeman MT
1968 GM Brown David Macon GA
1968 IC Weeks Ted Lorain OH
1968 RM Lechman Bob Sterling CO
1968 SM Ray Phillip Valley AL
1969 BM Byrd Sonny Salamanca NY
1969 DC Steffen Paul Ada MN
1969 DC Steffen Paul Ada MN
1969 EN Olson Wade Centerville SD
1969 EN Petrash Skip Summit Hill PA
1969 EN Schell Alex Topeka KS
1969 EN Schell Alex Topeka KS
1969 ET Slagle Richard Jonesboro TN
1969 GM Cotton John East Aurora NY
1969 QM Dunkle Ralph Adena OH
1969 QM Dunkle Ralph Adena OH
1969 SM Hyatt Dan Portland OR
1969 SN Parks Gordon Portland OR
1969 YN Northrup Rodney Denver CO
1970 CS Harker Dennis Madison WI
1970 EM Foley Michael
1970 EM Whitmarsh John Russell NY
1970 RM Hearn Reg Seattle WA
1970 SN Foley Michael Lewiston ME
1971 EN Palmer Dan Barnesville OH
1971 ST Wymetalek Kerry Seaside OR
1971 YN Getsinger Ronald Anderson SC
1971 YN Getsinger Ronald Anderson SC





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