Registration For Hullnumber


Please Choose your Command
Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE LST-1033 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1943 SM Garner William Tallassee AL
1944 Buck Sigmond Akron OH
1944 Gabriel Donavan Logan OH
1944 Jackson James W. Baltimore MD
1944 Krarvcion Frenk Nanty Glo PA
1944 Krill Jack P. Edginton OH
1944 Kucharski Stanley J. Buffalo NY
1944 Lawton Jr Robert Cambridge OH
1944 Otoole Kenneth W. Albany NY
1944 Powers Emmet Callender IA
1944 Price Vernon L. Joliet IL
1944 Skivers John Inkster MI
1944 Timmons Chester Jacksonville IL
1944 Wochholz Hendy Albion MI
1944 -- Kain Otto Columbus IN
1944 CS Hewett James Bushnell FL
1944 EM Mountjoy Luther Catlett VA
1944 GM Dodaro Bob Chicago IL
1944 LT Robinson James Watson Bryant Tulsa OK
1944 PVT Kozak Edward Union Town PA
1944 RM Mcnamee James Bartow FL
1944 SM Garner William Tallassee AL
1944 SN Krosp Thomas Millington TN
1945 AS Stoner Charles Coon Rapids MN
1945 ENS Romme Howard Albuquerque NM
1945 QM Kraus Sidney Chicago IL
1945 SN Stoner Chuck Coon Rapids MN





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We ask that you enter only enough information about yourself that your shipmates can recall you... Your ORIGINAL HOMETOWN and State are asked for because that confirms who you are in your shipmate's memories.


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REMEMBER A SHIPMATE Who would you like to hear from?

After you add yourself to your ship's roster, a form will open that will ask if you want to remember any of your ship mates. You can add any number of shipmates.

When any of the Shipmates you remember register with, you will receive a notification email.