Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE FFG-53 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1983 DK Mason Wilbert Ocala FL
1983 FC Mccoy John Las Cruces NM
1983 GM Campbell Blake Conroe TX
1983 SK Gearing Don Levittown PA
1984 BM Wooten James West Point VA
1984 CPO Moore Rick Englewood CO
1984 CPO Stutzman David Beverly OH
1984 DS Stoughton Burke Vandergrift PA
1984 EN Norris Dale Burns TN
1984 EN Norris Dale Burns TN
1984 ET Ables David Henderson CO
1984 ET Amedio David West Palm Beach FL
1984 EW Lowe Jeff King Of Prussia PA
1984 EW Millington Ross West Chester PA
1984 EW Whitham Mike Reston WA
1984 HT Derrick Scott Muncy PA
1984 HT Derrick Scott Muncy PA
1984 HT Mair Stephen Clinton NY
1984 HT Quinlan John N. Syracuse NY
1984 OS Bromann Pete San Francisco CA
1984 OS Darby Terry Opelousas LA
1984 OS Newman Kris Virginia Beach VA
1984 OS Price Mike
1984 OS Woodard David Rogers AR
1984 QM Staplefoote Lionel Lexington NC
1984 RM
1984 RM Davis Robert Bowie MD
1984 RM Morris Alan Summerville SC
1984 RM Walls Robert Athens GA
1984 SCPO Brothers Charles Blytheville AR
1984 SM Catlett Robert Columbus TX
1984 SM Enger Jay Minneapolis MN
1984 SM Narmore Kirk Traverse City MI
1984 SM Purvis Toby Vicksburg MS
1984 SN Barrett Mark Houston TX
1984 SN Casborn Adam New Orleans LA
1984 ST Stevens Fred Okolona MS
1984 ST Wikman Mark Muskegon MI
1984 YN Hudson George Palmer Walterboro SC
1985 BM Wright Lester Passaic NJ
1985 EN Church Bob Tampa FL
1985 EN Clark Shane Summerville SC
1985 EN Letterman Mark Appomattox VA
1985 ET Rodriguez Jose Charleston SC
1985 EW Macnaughton Charles Rochester NY
1985 FC Teeter Don Columbia MO
1985 GS Miles Steve Evansville IN
1985 MS Peoples Philip Greensboro NC
1985 PN Rosado David A Lajas PR
1985 QM Israel Terry Columbus OH
1985 RM Cook Rodney Houston TX
1985 SH Smith Charles Mullins SC
1985 ST Stevens Fred Okolona MS
1985 TM Quillman John Louisville KY
1986 BM Holley Scott Dothan AL
1986 Diver Santiago Richard Puerto Rico PR
1986 DK Hiott Milton Goose Creek SC
1986 EN Stjohn Gary Ashland OH
1986 GM Garmon Jeremy Glasgow KY
1986 GM Harper Mark Fairmont WV
1986 HT Debien Edmond Norfolk NY
1986 MS Souders Dale Chattanooga TN
1986 OS Dukes Tim Henderson TX
1986 SK Dudley Martin Omaha NE
1987 CPO Stafford Douglas Middletown PA
1987 DK Barnett Paul Houston TX
1987 EN Efrain Ruiz Miami FL
1987 EN Stjohn Gary Ashland OH
1987 FN Ruiz Frank Miami FL
1987 GM Korte Mark Orlando FL
1987 GS Harden Craig South Lyon MI
1987 GS Mosley Rodney Forest City NC
1987 HT Russell Eric Weirton WV
1987 IC Allen Bill Columbia SC
1987 PN Glasco Mike Wellington KS
1987 RM Bittner John Kirtland OH
1987 RM Yacovone Joseph Montclair NJ
1987 SCPO Becker Lawrence Cumberland MD
1987 SCPO Mcelveen Charles Miami FL
1988 DK Barnett Paul Houston TX
1988 DP Hagan Charles Louisville KY
1988 FC Hirt Dennis West Islip NY
1988 FC Hirt Ii Dennis E West Islip NY
1988 GM Martin John Monroe MI
1988 GS Grove James Amarillo TX
1988 GS James James Amarillo TX
1988 GS Zwick Paul WI
1988 GS Zwick Paul WI
1988 HT Grimm Matt Grand Haven MI
1988 IC Pummell Bill Wapakoneta OH
1988 MCPO Boss Sherman Lakeland FL
1988 MM Travotta Robert NC
1988 MS Shivers John Pulaski MS
1988 RM Seco Guillermo San Jose Costa Rica NY
1988 SN Conrad Rickey Anamosa IA
1988 ST Santacroce Mike --
1989 BM Hornberger Chris Atascadero CA
1989 DS Furr Donald West Palm Bch FL
1989 GM Downey Mike Graham TX
1989 GM Montgomery William Houston TX
1989 HM Brown Lloyd Jacksonville NC
1989 IS Hagan Charles Louisville KY
1989 LT Albuquerque Carl Huntington NY
1989 PN Axelson Jim Welcome WA
1989 RM Ingram William Lancaster SC
1989 SCPO Ewell Burl Phippsburg ME
1989 SK Wilson Curtis Joplin MO
1990 CPO Marlow Michael Panama City FL
1990 DC Mccullough Richard Austin AR
1990 DC Mccullough Richard Austin AR
1990 EN Kelley Darius Chacigo IL
1990 EN Stevenson Roger Holyoke MA
1990 EN Stevenson Roger Holyoke MA
1990 ET Rininger Roger Allegan MI
1990 FN Harrison Leslie Richmond VA
1990 FN Harrison Leslie Richmond VA
1990 GM Justus Jimmy Lexington KY
1990 GS Parker Jeffrey Charlotte NC
1990 GS Stewart Mike Puyallup WA
1990 IS Barron James Palm Bay FL
1990 RM Davis Kenneth Columbia SC
1990 ST Bohls Rob Sterling VA
1990 ST Farr David Charleston SC
1990 ST Hamlett Darian Newark NJ
1990 ST Hudak Dmitri Sheldon Springs VT
1990 ST Santacroce Michael Las Cruces NM
1990 ST Wright Jamie Rustburg VA
1991 DC Campbell Marlvin Dc VA
1991 EN Ogundoju Sunny Philadelphia PA
1991 GS Higgins Brian Rochester MN
1991 GS Wiwi Jay Connersville IN
1991 IS Hagan Charles Louisville KY
1991 RM London Dereon Atlanta GA
1992 Frell Andrew FL
1992 Magnum William MD
1992 AN Weatherly Mark Lake Jackson TX
1992 BM Carnahan Bryan Plymouth OH
1992 DC Aguirre Rafiel Roma TX
1992 DC Brown Thomas San Antonio TX
1992 DC Mccullough Richard Austin AR
1992 DS Nunn Michael Jacksonville FL
1992 ET Stevenson John San Diego CA
1992 OS Hansson Mark Space Coast FL
1992 PC Mangum William Baltimore MD
1992 RM Loper Justin Houston TX
1992 ST Jaekle Raymond Buffalo NY
1992 YN Judy James Pascagoula MS
1993 AW Trostel Tim Arlington TX
1993 DC Aguirre Rafael Roma TX
1993 EM Commander David Westville FL
1993 EW Buchner Charles Flint MO
1993 GS Henson Paul New Caney TX
1993 HM Brinson Brandon Statesboro GA
1993 OS Vogel Don Duluth GA
1993 OS Woodworth Marcus New Madison OH
1993 PN Bigelow Raymond Mattawan MI
1993 QM Sutton William Rockland ME
1993 RM Rhoden Brian Alapaha GA
1993 ST Menard Mark Williamstown VT
1994 BM Boruszewski Brian Kissimmee FL
1994 BM Gonzales Ian Findlay CO
1994 CPO Malcolm James Cleveland OH
1994 CPO Rast David Sumner IA
1994 DC Koons Randall Rapid City SD
1994 FN Hertzog Robert Shamokin PA
1994 GS Gambito D. R. National City CA
1994 GS Nickolaus Dan Milwaukee WI
1994 GS Slobe Michael Oswego NY
1994 IC Cunnigham George Columbus GA
1994 OS Austin Jeremy Charleston SC
1994 QM Skog Richard Houston TX
1994 RM Turner --
1994 SCPO Wickline Michael Lenzburg IL
1995 CPO Nutt Eric Bad Axe MI
1995 EN Coon Thomas Hallsville TX
1995 GM Binkley William Gainesville FL
1995 GS Nickolaus Daniel Milwaukee WI
1995 GS Stiles John Columbia SC
1995 HT Babernitz Robert Hollywood FL
1996 -- Johnson Brendan Lafayette LA
1996 DC Kennedy John Akron NY
1996 MS Miranda Gerardo San German PR
1996 ST Tuzzolino Jerry Brooklyn NY
1997 BM Pitts John Columbia SC
1997 GS Baker Gregg Ticonderoga NY
1997 LCDR Merritt Ronald Hanahan SC
1997 OS Adkins Richard Kingsland GA
1997 PC Ragland Fank Milledgeville GA
1998 CPO Dye David Sarasota FL
1998 CPO Winters Thomas Bay City MI
1998 DC Lamphere Rickey Independence MO
1998 DK Knoch Anthony Marietta OH
1998 EN Delay Dale Chattanooga TN
1998 FC Lambert Bobby TX
1998 FC Lambert Bobby Eastland TX
1998 FC Warnock Shawn East Dublin GA
1999 DC Vandyne Brandon Glenpool OK
1999 FC Asbury Randy Houston TX
1999 GM Steiner Tim Akron OH
1999 QM Constantino Alfred Berlin NJ
2000 CPO Adams Robert Winston-salem NC
2000 CPO Banta Ron Sweethome OR
2000 DC Hogan Shawn Silsbee TX
2000 DC Paxton Michael Clayton NY
2000 DS Chamberlain Jason Hartland MI
2000 EN McNutt Christopher New Philadelphia OH
2000 FC Gonzaga Eric Vorhees NJ
2000 GM Vega Kroywen Brooklyn NY
2000 LTJG Hetherington Noble Norfolk VA
2000 OS Mcdowell Richard Wellsville NY
2000 SH Stuart Brian Gloversville NY
2001 MR Montanez Angel Santurce PR
2001 OS Sanmartin Jason Jersey City NJ
2001 SCPO Rollinger John Apollo PA
2001 SK Bell Donnell Newark NJ
2002 AN Brewer Cody OK
2002 GS Kinsky Sean Houston TX
2002 HM Schmeling Jimmy Bremerton WA
2002 OS Harris Mark Albany GA
2002 OS Smith Adam Cuyahoga Falls OH
2002 SN Lefort Jerry Sanborn PA
2002 SN Rainey Trey AR
2003 BM Kassner Sidney Victoria TX
2003 MR Otter Eric Port Lavaca TX
2003 OS Godino Raymond Richmond Hill NY
2003 SN Virden Winston Woodson AR
2004 CT Johnson Dean Maple Valley WA
2004 HT Holt Jimmy Baldwin MI
2004 OS Grove Judson Pittsburgh PA
2004 SN Morgan Chris Rosamond CA
2004 YN Jackson Jonathan Richmond VA
2005 CPO Manning Timmothy VA
2005 GM Yarbrough Jonathan Mechanicsville VA
2005 OS Delahunt Justin Syracuse NY
2006 CS Crownover Eli Johnstown PA
2006 OS Jarman Jonathan Richlands NC
2007 CPO Jackson Jeffery Summerton SC
2007 ET Jordon Ian Minerva NY
2007 GS Pollock James Athens PA
2007 SK Willard Eric Berlin VA
2009 CPO Watson Christopher Duncanville AL
2009 ET Alway Scott Gibsonia PA
2010 SK Cox Barry Dublin VA





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