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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE DD-977 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1940 -- Danimal Dick Pornstar VA
1976 EN Johnson Jerry Circleville OH
1977 BM Scott Richard Chicago IL
1977 CPO Bancroft Ken Walla Walla WA
1977 CPO Ludlam John Eufaula AL
1977 CPO Tingle Donald Albany GA
1977 EM Quave Rocky Biloxi MS
1977 EM Quave Rocky Biloxi MS
1977 EN Berger Martin Calumet MI
1977 EN Rathey Eric Lancaster PA
1977 GS Kealey John Penndel PA
1977 SK Hurd Michael Kirkwood NY
1977 SM Wesley William Rahway NJ
1977 YN Giskin Alan Delray Beach FL
1977 YN Saap Rocky Bioloxi MS
1978 Graves Wesley Hampton VA
1978 BM Sawyer Ronald Brooklyn New York NY
1978 BM Terry Lester Camden TN
1978 BM Unselt Howard Grand Junction CO
1978 DS Reed Russell New Kensignton PA
1978 DS Smith Thomas Pittsburgh PA
1978 DS Verano Richard Harrisburg PA
1978 EN Klee Kevin Sumter SC
1978 ET Archer Eric Richmond VA
1978 FT Nelson David Dolton IL
1978 GM Kerans Edward Charleston IL
1978 GM Klein Curtis St. Paul MN
1978 GS Chastain Thomas Blythe CA
1978 GS Galliher Kevin Columbus OH
1978 GS Hively Walt Kalamazoo MI
1978 GS Kraemer Michael Monterey CA
1978 GS Momot Pete Plattsburgh NY
1978 GS Stein Rodger Virginia Beach VA
1978 GS Wetzel Terry Greenville OH
1978 HM Mauer William Kansas City MO
1978 IC Mcinnis Terry Raeford NC
1978 MS Herman John York PA
1978 MS Young Ronald St. Joseph MO
1978 OM Edie William Medina OH
1978 OS Ashley Floyd Coshocton OH
1978 OS Sapp Rocky Plant City FL
1978 RM Gordon Peter Charleston NY
1978 RM Moran Dave Albany NY
1978 RM Pagel Fred Oxenhill MD
1978 SH Authier John Boston MA
1978 SK Oberly Jerry Va Bch VA
1978 SK Stasen Marc Ardsley PA
1978 ST Mcfarlane David Albany OR
1978 ST Vick David Louisville KY
1979 CPO Huinker David Richland Center WI
1979 EM Pazon Eric New Orleans LA
1979 EN Foringer William Baltilmore MD
1979 EN Jones Bobby High Point NC
1979 EN Jones Bobby High Point NC
1979 EW Conlon Matthew Fall River MA
1979 GM Norville Courtney Barbados NY
1979 IC Ethridge Mike Omaha NE
1979 MA Ruger Robert Virginia Beach VA
1979 OS Connors Timothy Ticonderoga NY
1979 PN Graczyk Ed Wauwatosa WI
1979 RM Cook George Detroit MI
1979 SH Peachey Robert Philadelphia PA
1979 SM Jewell Tom VT
1979 SM Nene John Pittsburgh PA
1979 SN Buehl Troy Pascagoula MS
1980 BM Cole Wayne Martinsburg WV
1980 BM Watson Thomas TX
1980 EN Reeder James Carlisle PA
1980 FC Christensen David Niles IL
1980 GM Luizzi John Bloomfield CT
1980 GS Brown Turtle Panama City FL
1980 GS Ridgway Michael Austin TX
1980 HM Hudson James Titusville FL
1980 LTJG Lytton Jack Columbus OH
1980 MS Gehron Richard Dayton OH
1980 SK Hare Chris Philadelphia PA
1980 ST Constable Jim Unity ME
1980 ST Rion Ken Berryville VA
1980 ST Scianna David Cary NC
1980 YN Hubbard John Poquoson VA
1981 -- Gillespie Tom Philadephia PA
1981 CPO Hawley Larry South Wales NY
1981 CPO Lacy Gene Fairdale WV
1981 EN Brock Chuck Fort Wayne IN
1981 EN Kirk Robert Bowling Green MO
1981 ENS Holmes David Harlingen TX
1981 ET Brandon John Big Spring TX
1981 ET Plank Jon Warsaw IN
1981 FC Trosen Mike Burlington IA
1981 GM Harper Frank Parkville MD
1981 GS Jones George Bergenfield NJ
1981 MCPO Green Edgar Detroit MI
1981 MM Allen Peter Southwestern VA
1981 NC Knepper Dave Grove City PA
1981 OS Dubbiosi Stelio New Jersey NJ
1981 OS Larrick Kevin Fairfax VA
1981 OS Trigg Jeff San Antonio TX
1981 QM Giardina Salvatore Easton CT
1981 SM Gagnon Timmy Brownville NY
1981 SM Gagnon Tim Watertown NY
1981 ST Lebrun Wayne Sharps VA
1981 ST Morgan Steve Cuyahoga Falls OH
1981 YN Williams. (willy) George Columbus OH
1982 Smith Daryl Knoxville TN
1982 BM Cook Franklin Delphi IN
1982 CMDR Boland James Wayne NJ
1982 DS Rothwell Lloyd San Antonio TX
1982 EN Atchison David Webster City IA
1982 GM Maitland Glenn Toms River NJ
1982 GM Thomas Jon Moline IL
1982 MM Hann Jeb Ava MO
1982 SM Batterson Jim Austin TX
1982 SM Tucker Rod
1982 SN Ford Jerrone Kansas City MO
1982 TM Gursky Chris Fort Worth TX
1982 TM Newell Kirk Pemboke MA
1983 AX Daugherty Dennis Portland OR
1983 BM English John Marshall IL
1983 BM Smith Darryl Knoxville TN
1983 CPO Storey William Anderson SC
1983 DS Mccormick Richard Knoxville TN
1983 EM Bennett Ricky Borger TX
1983 EN Conte Nicholas Clinton Township MI
1983 GM Perdue Don Fresno CA
1983 GM Perdue Don Fresno CA
1983 GS Bittinger Timothy PA
1983 GS Hanson George Duluth MN
1983 GS Hrdlicka David Chamberlain SD
1983 GS Noll Michael Alliance OH
1983 IC Bates Larry South Boston VA
1983 LT Hoffman Mark Cody WY
1983 MCPO Tingle Donald Albany GA
1983 MCPO Tingle Don Albany GA
1983 MS Rowe Robert Manistee MI
1983 OS Shortt Richard Abingdon VA
1983 SH Robinson Daniel Trenton NJ
1983 TM Kirkendall Jim Port Hueneme CA
1984 BM Brown Jerome Detroit MI
1984 DK Johnson John Circleville OH
1984 EN Burke Michael Elyria OH
1984 ET Kuhn Carl Downers Grove IL
1984 GS Kitchen Ernie Abbeville SC
1984 HT King Brian Tunkhannock PA
1984 HT Ross Pete Columbia SC
1984 ST Farris Champagne IL
1984 ST Grosch Jeffrey Richmond VA
1984 ST Grosch Jeffrey Richmond VA
1984 ST Rothrock Philip Columbia SC
1985 DS Frick Joe (jj) Johnstown PA
1985 EN Grose James Boissevain VA
1985 EN Preneta Edward Johnstown PA
1985 FC Chandler Bob Attica NY
1985 FC Reichle Greg Columbus OH
1985 GS Matthews James Star Lake NY
1985 IC Cassidy Chris/butch Crescent City FL
1985 MS Jahnke Scott Milwaukee WI
1985 ST Shinham Chris State College PA
1985 ST Young Joseph Green Cove Springs FL
1986 BM Fochtmann Timothy Flemington NJ
1986 CPO Nix Jack Beaumont TX
1986 GM Higgins John San Diego CA
1986 GM Jackson Orbery Lawrenceburg TN
1986 GS Mathews David Redding CA
1986 LT Rasmussen Terry Princeville IL
1986 MS Schoonmaker Mark Schenectady NY
1986 OS Jacks David Greensboro NC
1986 SM Tatman Alton Augusta GA
1986 ST Lowry Edward El Paso TX
1987 DC Pezdirtz Stephen Saint Johnsbury VT
1987 DS Ramsey Michael Raleigh NC
1987 DS Roster Douglas Dayton OH
1987 EN Kordish Kevin North Ridgeville OH
1987 EN Weissmann William Romeoville IL
1987 EW Blais Mike Berlin MA
1987 EW Lanski David Webster NY
1987 FC Wolf Jeff Sabin MN
1987 LT Weck Tom Falls Church VA
1987 QM Fahey Larry Sebring VA
1987 RM Bozeman Charles Shreveport LA
1987 ST Musgrave Daniel Littlefield TX
1987 ST Shinham Chris State College PA
1988 BM Artis Joseph Baltimore MD
1988 BM Carter James Montgomery AL
1988 BM Santamaria John Saugerties NY
1988 BM Santamaria John Saugerties NY
1988 BM White James Washington DC
1988 CPO Davis Ronald Ocilla GA
1988 CPO Smith Steven West Hempstead NY
1988 OS Miller Noel Miller Ohio OH
1988 OS Young James Carleton MI
1988 RM Hagar Howard Springdale AR
1988 SCPO Linse Frank Boston MA
1988 SM Lesane Craig Baltimore MD
1989 CPO Foppiano Peter Valley Springs CA
1989 ET Gonzalez Carlos Puerto Rico NY
1989 GS Agarrat Ainsley Fortlauderdale FL
1989 MS Corn Gary Baltimore WV
1989 OS Mendez Jose Brownsville TX
1989 OS SuÑer Rafael Caguas PR
1989 RM Pelletier Kurt Fort Kent ME
1990 BM Deason Stacy Florence KY
1990 ET Blackwell John Reidsville NC
1990 FC Mcafee Rob Cincinnati OH
1990 FC Yocus Dennis Soudan MN
1990 GM Scott Brian Rockville VA
1990 IC Lashomb Steven Clayton NY
1990 MCPO Munsell Peter Baltimore MD
1990 OS Tomlin Robert Dallas TX
1990 RM Brom Dennis --
1990 RM Price (p-nice) Melvin Suitland MD
1990 RM Redfern Chad Darlington PA
1990 ST Roelofsz Michael Kansas City MO
1991 Thurber Jason
1991 BM Woods William Somerset KY
1991 CPO Schulte Roger Brunswick OH
1991 FC Garcia Pedro New York NY
1991 FC Mcpherson Don Idaho Falls ID
1991 GM Cassista Joseph Cutler ME
1991 GS Burtt Anthony Hedgesville WV
1991 GS Gordon Rohan Nashville TN
1991 GS Gordon Rohan Nashville TN
1991 GS Mcintyre Brian Gilman IL
1991 GS Wagner Cory Port Clinton OH
1991 MS Gilchrist Johnny New York NY
1991 OS Grimes Dana Greenwich NY
1991 OS Mclaney Michael Theodore AL
1991 RM Cain Anthony Middletown DE
1991 RM Spears Paul Bella Vista AR
1991 SCPO Whitt Don Prescott AZ
1991 SN Howe Jesse Eveleth MN
1991 SN Lee Stephen Dawson GA
1991 ST Brown Robert Newtown Sq PA
1991 ST Thurber Jason Klamath Falls OR
1991 ST Turner Bill Marietta GA
1991 TM Rose Thomas Darby M
1992 EN Harrigill Patrick Natchez, Ms MS
1992 EN Harrigill Patrick Natchez, Ms MS
1992 EW Turner John Hephzibah GA
1992 FC Grimmer Thomas Arlington Heights IL
1992 FC Norton Eric Midland TX
1992 GS Gant Jim El Paso TX
1992 LT Grubbs Dan Miami FL
1992 OS Brennan Chris St. Louis MO
1992 SH Comas Robert Port Townsend / Olympia WA
1992 ST Slusher Larry Williamsport PA
1993 BM Bentley Shawn Kingsport TN
1993 CWO Shumate Clyde Woodlawn VA
1993 EW Butler Wes Lincolnton GA
1993 FC Cenci Marc Bridgewater NJ
1993 GM Pate Ricky Landis NC
1993 MCPO Garcia Pedro Bronx NY
1993 MR Weaver Randy Port Huron MI
1993 MS Thomas Christopher New York NY
1993 OS Kanizar Robert New Port Richie FL
1993 OS Sarmiento Duane Gibbstown NJ
1993 RM Gianquitto David Ballston Spa NY
1993 SCPO Spatz David Lorain OH
1993 SK Cline Richard Lenoir NC
1993 SN Sellers Matthew Benton PA
1993 ST Kowalsky Daniel East Hampton CT
1993 ST Mcguire Dave Marlboro MA
1994 BM Bronson Jason Fort Wayne IN
1994 BM Clark Brian Ocala FL
1994 BM Velasco Freddy Los Angeles CA
1994 ET Carter Brian Muskogee OK
1994 GS Hooker Chris Janesville WI
1994 GS Stack Michael Derby CT
1994 OS Brown Shawn New Orleans LA
1994 OS Clark Dave Bucyrus OH
1994 RM Patterson Daniel Sarasota FL
1994 SCPO Remaley William Sarver PA
1994 SCPO Schneck James Allentown PA
1994 SM Dorn Rickey Gary IN
1994 SM Kiernan Steve Middletown NY
1994 SN Nguyen Abraham Jersey City NJ
1995 BM Jones Jeremy Monroe LA
1995 BM Reed Anthony Alexandria LA
1995 BM Sweatman Dustin Cuero TX
1995 DC Smith Christopher Oklahoma OK
1995 GM Cole Kevin Westminster MD
1995 OS Lewis Jeremy Denver CO
1995 RM Airrington Westy Grain Valley MO
1995 RM Airrington Westy Grain Valley MO
1995 RM Kibby Doug Youngstown OH
1995 SH Collins Tony Hamden OH
1995 ST Moore Tim Hoosick Falls NY
1995 YN Douglas Ambrosia Raeford NC
1995 YN Washington Derrick Beaumont TX
1996 BM Webb Jason Emporia KS
1996 CPO Garcia Pete Hartford CT
1996 EN Peary James Baltimore MD
1996 EN Stewart Brent Brooklyn Ny NY
1996 ET Willis Christopher Dayton OH
1996 FC Thompson Jeffrey Cowen WV
1996 GS Judd Jeremy Plankinton SD
1996 MCPO Cummings Mark Brookville PA
1996 QM Hix Dominic Beaufort SC
1996 RM Bateman Timothy Ayden NC
1996 ST Fuhrman David . VA
1997 EN Trousdale Leann Las Vegas NV
1997 ET Miller Dorian Boulder CO
1997 FC Kesselring Scott San Diego CA
1997 GM Kendall Gabe Littleton CO
1997 GM Varner Carl Buffalo MN
1997 GS Wilson Jeremy Butler PA
1997 MS Singson Fermin Corona CA
1997 OS Stilley Milton Edward NC
1997 SN Boane Chris Martin TN
1997 SN Odell Heather Laquey MO
1997 SN Villarreal Vicente Reno NV
1998 AT Reed Danny Jacksonville FL
1998 DC Neumiller Todd Fresno CA
1998 FC Reckhouse Jim Pittsburgh PA
1998 HM Lapine Mike Herndon VA
1998 HN Cooper Mitchell Jackson MS
1998 OS Bruss Pete Waukesha WI
1998 SM Boane Chris Martin TN
1998 SN Robinson Dea Twin Lake MI
1998 ST Thomas Jason Louisville KY
1999 FC Briscoe Daniel Watertown NY
1999 FC Briscoe Daniel Watertown NY
1999 FC Valdez Valerie Reidsville NC
1999 MCPO Royer James Thornville OH
1999 YN Padilla Christian Jersey City NJ
2000 -- Trujillo Anthony Grant County KY
2000 DC Caveney Cheyne Torrance CA
2000 ENS Franks Kevin Rockville MD
2000 FC Ford Michael Middleville NY
2000 FC Lilley Kenneth National Park NJ
2000 MS Carter Casey Murray KY
2000 MS Van Loan Richard T Milwaukee WI
2001 EN Laafar Redouane Boston MA
2001 LT Mitchell M. Scott Versailles KY
2001 TM Zunino Gianni Simsbury CT
2002 BM Dixon Jeffrey Rocklin CA
2002 EM Hill Anthony Bronx Newyork NY
2002 FC Williams Heather Bogalusa LA
2002 HM Fiandaca David Hyannis MA





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