Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE DD-722 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1940 Phillips Bernie Chicago IL
1940 Thayertfelder Wallace Jamestown RI
1943 FC Hahn Henry (luke) Saugus MA
1943 FC Rehe John Masontown WV
1943 FC Rose Edward Toledo OH
1943 MM Edwards Truman (deceased) Bowie TX
1943 SC Ray Frank Memphis TN
1943 SC Schaus Charles District Of Columbia DC
1943 SC Schaus Charles Coconut Creek FL
1943 SF Morrill Leon Lynn MA
1943 SO Hebner George Bradley Rochester NY
1944 FC Zeckner Carl Louisville KY
1944 SM Haley James Manchester TN
1946 ET Cushing Edward San Francisco CA
1946 FT Hatch Abbott Bronson IA
1946 MM Zajicek Leonard Phoenix AZ
1946 SN Smart Eben Piedmont CA
1948 EM Van Derslice Thomas Milwaukee WI
1948 SN Penza John G. Bronx New York NY
1949 EM Palinski Eugene Huron OH
1950 GM Dickerson Richard Beverly Hills FL
1950 RM Lish Ted Erie PA
1951 Deters Jim KY
1951 BT Ray Jack Arcadia NE
1951 CS Folgers Ralph Round Lake IL
1951 GM Apgar Walt Trenton NJ
1951 GM Cotter William J Somerville MA
1951 QM Baer James W. Buffalo NY
1951 SK Deters Jim Ft Mitchell KY
1951 TM Allen Bernard Barney Richmond Hill NY
1951 YN Gresh Leonard Fowler OH
1951 YN Gresh Leonard (Sam) Fowler OH
1952 MM Stetter Raymond Macomb MI
1952 YN Isakson Richard Elkhorn WI
1953 LTJG Tate Bob Richmond VA
1953 SN Penza John G. Bronx New York NY
1953 TM Rice Kenneth Pompano Beach FL
1954 MM Kent Bill PA
1954 PN Witsil Robert Tampa FL
1955 SM Mcginn Gerald Shamokin PA
1955 SM Mcginn Gerald Shamokin PA
1955 SO Hamilton Woody Albany NY
1955 YN Mcsorley Charles Mtpleasant IA
1955 YN Wallace Morris Elkhorn City KY
1956 DK Martino Don Providence RI
1956 LTJG Reu Michael Brunswick GA
1956 QM Ditchfield Allan Lynn MA
1956 RM Ohms Don Larimore ND
1956 YN Morgan Dick Grafton WV
1957 BT Love Ronald Rochester NY
1957 LCDR Kiernan Loyd Port Washington NY
1957 MM Curry Herbert Greenville SC
1957 MM Redmiles Richard Annadale VA
1957 SN Walton Harry Philadelphia PA
1958 BM Glenn Michael Baltimore MD
1958 BT Claybrook Sam San Diego CA
1958 BT Kates Earl Cocoa FL
1958 DC Paul Steven Norfolk VA
1958 EM Greiner Robert Michigan City IN
1958 FT Mietchen Carl Hesperus CO
1958 GM Hart Joe Jons Island SC
1958 MR Skoglund Clyde Mobile AL
1958 RD Ross Philip Fresno CA
1958 RM Ron Cohen York PA
1958 RM Teets Kenneth Friendsville MD
1959 BT Claybrook Sam El Cajon CA
1959 BT Ryan Bill Naples FL
1959 GM Hart Joseph Jons Iland SC
1959 GM Wheaton Kenny Columbia SC
1959 GM Woolard Don Washington NC
1959 GM Woolard James (don) Washington NC
1959 MM Goodwin Chuck Hobart IN
1959 RM Cormell Edward Roanoke VA
1959 SC Harris Glenn MO
1959 SM Myers Franklin Severn MD
1960 BM Borozenski Bruce Round Lake IL
1960 BT Mallory James Follansbee WV
1960 EM Burton Don Carlisle PA
1960 EM Ducote Michael Cottonport LA
1960 EM Ducote Michael Cottonport LA
1960 EM Hogan Matthew Asbury NJ
1960 EM Kaltenbach William Wheeling WV
1960 ET Balchunis Ben Shamokin PA
1960 ET Walborn James Reading PA
1960 ET Williams James B. Portsmouth VA
1960 GM Hart Joe Jons Island SC
1960 IC Stevens Robert South Burlington VT
1960 MID2 Ducote Michael Cottonport LA
1960 MR Campa Ronald Warren OH
1960 RD Mcdonald Francis Peter Mcdona Chelmsford MA
1960 RM Cummings Gene Elizabeth City NC
1960 RM Rueckert Bob Roscoe MN
1960 SF Peoples Gary Dadeville AL
1960 SK Schewe Raymond Winona MN
1961 FT Trigleth John Paul Baraboo WI
1961 LCDR Mann Robert Weston MO
1961 LCDR Mann Robert Weston MO
1961 MM Boyd Edward Toledo OH
1961 SK Grande Nick Wellsville OH
1961 SN Marshall Ronald R. Toledo OH
1961 SN Seabolt Raymond Washington DC
1961 SO Newman Donald Cincinnati OH
1961 YN Johnson Gerald (jerry) Petaluma CA
1962 BM Brassard Gene Chicopee MA
1962 BT Smith Elwood Levittown PA
1962 DC Gemmett James Burnt Hills NY
1962 DC Hare Richard Beloit WI
1962 EM Slavik Robert Baden PA
1962 EM Slavik Robert PA
1962 EN Inman Don Green River WY
1962 GM Benson Kenneth Wilmington NC
1962 IC Denton Earl Thomas Knoxville TN
1962 LTJG Fanale Anthony Boston MA
1962 LTJG Marcus Michael Oak Park IL
1962 MM Hadden William Pitman NJ
1962 PC Padden Thomas Union NJ
1962 RD Mcmakin William Westwood MA
1962 RD Tucker Larry Macon GA
1963 EM Slavik Robert PA
1963 LT Ryder Clarke Soulth Portland ME
1963 QM Hummel Walter Johnstown PA
1963 SK Rittenhouse Edward Pittsburgh PA
1963 SM Brosky Joseph (tony) Covington KY
1963 SM Kastelic Robert West Allis WI
1964 BM Fugate Clifford Albuquerque NM
1964 BT Bressler Clair Kulpmont PA
1964 BT Stange Lowell Bristol CT
1964 MM Wilson Charles Columbus OH
1964 QM Fjelde Frederick (rik) Urbana IL
1964 SM Crader Roy Burfordsville MO
1964 SN Heicher Michael Highspire PA
1964 SN Raffensberger James York PA
1965 BM Heacock Frank Chester PA
1965 BM Kelly Ed Bryn Mawr PA
1965 MM Dawson Herb
1965 MM Dawson Herb Phila. PA
1965 MM Eberhardt Steve Phila. PA
1965 MM Mathei Gerald La Grange IL
1965 MM Mathei Gerald La Grange IL
1965 SH Michels Jim Coopersburg PA
1965 SN Curtis Stanley Hallem PA
1965 ST Maruna Roger Cleveland OH
1966 BM Carpinelli William Woodlyn PA
1966 BM Mazzola Frank Phila PA
1966 BM Welsh Frank Hatfield PA
1966 BT Nunlist (Deceased 19 Ken Philadelphia PA
1966 CMDR Traynor Lawrence (Larry) Swansea MA
1966 CMDR Traynor Lawrence (Larry) Swansea MA
1966 CMDR Traynor Lawrence (Larry) Swansea MA
1966 LCDR Nilsson William Willow Grove PA
1966 LT Davis G. Michael Media PA
1966 LT Denney George Philadelphia PA
1966 MM Dawson Herb Philadelphia PA
1966 MM Miles Kent Gothenburg NE
1966 RD Rowe Joe Sharon Hill PA
1966 SN Robinson George Philadelphia PA
1966 SN Waite Walter Swarthmore PA
1966 TM Arnold Alan Waco TX
1967 FN Putnam Larry Towanda PA
1967 SH Curran Phillip Baltimore MD
1968 BM Clements Albert Cherry Hill NJ
1968 BM Kabino John Rehoboth Beach DE
1968 RD Provencher Richard Biddeford ME
1969 SN Mickle Gary Warren PA
2000 CMDR Traynor Lawrence Larry SW





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