Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE DD-669 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1940 Holloway Frank --
1940 -- Milligan Raymond Forest Lake MN
1942 FC Sharbaugh Burley Silverdale WA
1943 FC Wnuk Edwin Walter Buffalo NY
1943 HM Stamler Martin Staten Island NY
1943 MM Sparks William Marseilles IL
1943 RD Shollmier (died 1989) Walter Pine Bluff AR
1945 SC Lewis Richard Bradford PA
1949 MID3 Kirkendohl Sam South Carolina SC
1950 -- Davis George --
1951 BM Sawicki Casey Union NJ
1951 BT Griffin Robert Philadelphia PA
1951 ET Lewis Bill Sharonville OH
1951 MID2 Wortman David St Louis MO
1951 MID3 Wortmann David St Louis MO
1951 MM Bertram Alvin Jacksonville IL
1951 MM Gebo Robert Rouses Point NY
1951 PN Pundsack James Minneapolis MN
1951 PVT Abshire Herman Tennyson IN
1951 SM Avila Rudy Pomona CA
1951 SN Mcgarvey John Yonkers NY
1951 SN Urato John North Bergen NJ
1952 BM Waite Ronald D. Defiance PA
1952 EN Boland Patrick St Marys PA
1952 HT Rossley Richard Worcester ME
1952 RD Shiflett Rodney Staunton VA
1952 SM Luevanos Pete Detroit MI
1952 SN Lehr Jr Charles Binghamton NY
1954 GM Marcucci Paul Merrick NY
1954 LTJG Wolff Henry Bronx NY
1954 SK Shukis William Staten Island NY
1954 SO Szafranski Stan Pittsburgh PA
1954 SO Wagner Arthur Germantown OH
1955 RD De Martelaere Merle Ivanhoe MN
1955 SM Toracinta Richard Pawtucket RI
1955 TM Stickel Fred Youngstown OH
1956 LTJG Myers Richard Indianapolis IN
1957 EM Opperman Anton Winneconne WI
1957 LT Webber Ross NY
1957 MM Graves Thomas Gas City IN
1957 MS Civitarese Nicholas Brooklyn NY
1957 PN Nicholson John H. Or Jack Auburn MA
1957 PN Nicholson Jack Auburn MA
1957 RM Moclair Kevin New York NY
1958 FT Findley Ronald Morley IA
1958 FT Harrison William Woodhaven MI
1958 MM Graves Thomas Gas City IN
1958 MM Hood Charles Chicago IL
1958 SN Carmiencke David Baldwin NY
1958 SN Hooper Charles Farmington CT
1958 SN Lucacci Bob Rochester NY
1959 ET Dilauro Charles Brooklyn NY
1959 SK Krauszer Richard North Brunswick NJ
1959 SN Burk Larry Cadilac MI
1959 SN Delmastro Vincent Willimantic CT
1959 SN Delmastro Vincent Willimantic CT
1959 SN Fulton Robert Newkensington PA
1963 TM Fallon Wilfrid Portsmouth NH
1966 RD Thomas Raymond Ny NY
1966 RM Moclair Kevin New York City NY





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