Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE DD-642 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1942 -- Hussey Richard Melrose MA
1943 Anyone Who Served Wi --
1943 Beaton Arthur Honeoye Falls NY
1943 -- Bress William Coram NY
1943 -- Powers Lawrence Hamburg NY
1943 BM Mitchell John Max Barnesville GA
1943 FC Bergwall Robert (bergy) Hingham MA
1943 GM Hamilton Oscar Lenoir NC
1943 MM Frame Arthur Newark NJ
1943 MM Grafton Alburn (ab) Mattoon IL
1943 MM Guilbeault Ernest Turners Falls MA
1943 MM Thompson John (tommy) Linden NJ
1943 RM Durante Frank Cleveland OH
1943 WT Taylor Kenneth O. Angola NY
1944 ENSN Doyle King Lowell MI
1944 GS Thomas Frank Knoxville TN
1944 MID3 Thornton Wallace Sioux City IA
1944 SK Mansfield William North Quincy MA
1944 SN Kavros James Morgantown WV
1944 SO Nelson Mel Palm Springs CA
1945 BM Carter Fred Tampa FL
1945 EM Jolley Tony Burley ID
1945 FC Freeman Donald Jeannette PA
1945 LT Doughty Nelson Martha OK
1945 SM Hoover Ralph Morristown TN
1950 MM Clooney Bill Broken Arrow OK
1950 TM Davenport Paul A. Sun City Center (Win FL
1951 -- Simpson Roy Lexington KY
1951 BT Brown William P Modesto CA
1951 EM Johnston William Lewiston ID
1951 GM Gonter George Altoona PA
1951 MM Gould Steve Baltimore MD
1951 RD Urbaniak Larry & Robin Chicago IL
1951 SH Hendricks Thomas Antlers OK
1951 TM Davenport Paul Reading MI
1952 BT Godwin James D Marshville NC
1952 EM Hughes Robert Niagara Falls NY
1952 MM Carle Fred Winter Park FL
1952 SO Concannon Robert Clinton WA
1953 BT Alft Dale - D. Wisconsin Rapids
1953 BT Alft Dale----- D. Wisconsin Rapids
1953 FT Carnes Robert Bridgeport CT
1953 FT Maziarz Leon Philadelphia PA
1953 MM Mckinney William Mcgregor MN
1954 Ubaniak Larry Chicago IL
1954 FT Anderson Charles Trenton NJ
1954 FT Anderson Charles Trenton NJ
1954 FT Charles Anderson Trenton
1954 MM Sheldon Art Barre MA
1954 QM Stam Arthur Chicago IL
1955 BT Cerniglia John Southington CT
1955 BT Herrera Chris Panama City FL
1955 BT Herrera Christopher Panama City FL
1955 BT Parker Floyd Bowling Green KY
1955 CPO Dobis Gustave Johnstown PA
1955 ET Gagne William Lewiston ME
1955 GM Jewell Hubert Dyess AR
1955 GM Jones Howard Carpenter KY
1955 HM La Gatta Anthony Rome NY
1955 IC Loudermilk Gary Brownwood TX
1955 MM Mayne Gerald Hampton VA
1956 BM Jackson Arthur --
1956 CPO Reinhardt Robert Gloucester City NJ
1956 DK Williamson Robert Mebane NC
1956 EM Archie Bob St. Louis MO
1956 EM Meeks John Marysville KS
1956 ET Adams Bill Waco TX
1956 ET Adams Bill Waco TX
1956 ET Daniele Joseph Newton MA
1956 ET Peluso William Pensacola FL
1956 IC Bedgood Oscar Panama City FL
1956 MM Murphy Bob Philadelphia PA
1956 RD Marshall Jon Orland Park IL
1956 SN Stringer Lillard Georgia TN
1956 SN Stringer Lillard Georgia TN
1956 TM Sandige James Unknown
1956 TM Sandige James Unknown
1957 -- Tuminello August (Gus) Laurel MD
1957 CPO Buchanan Daniel New York NY
1957 CS Hagy Robert Reading PA
1957 CS Hagy Robert Reading PA
1957 ET Morgan Richard Baltimore MD
1957 ET Paquette Roland Worcester MA
1957 HM Bigoness Bob East Hartford CT
1957 LTJG Dyson John Greensboro NC
1957 MR Tom New York NY
1957 RM Dillon Paul Brockton MA
1957 SK Maffia Frederick Milford MA
1957 SM Bloodsworth Hugh Lodi NJ
1958 CS Crenshaw Leroy (rebel) Walhalla SC
1958 EN Granec Gordon Allentown PA
1958 GM Hermance Richard W. Glens Falls NY
1958 LT Meyer Bob Northbrook IL
1958 PN Ferris Edward Phila PA
1958 SK Beckmann George Rhinebeck NY
1958 SN Cole John New Tripoli PA
1958 SN Cole John H New Tripoli PA
1958 SN Keagle Donald Montoursville PA
1958 SO Bailey Nate St. Louis MO
1959 BM Houghtaling John A Athens NY
1959 BT Miletti Joseph Corona NY
1959 DC Giorlando Sal South Boston MA
1959 FN Patoine Ronald Concord NH
1959 FN Pinkerton Douglas Frenchtown NJ
1959 GM Keogh John New York NY
1959 GM Keogh John New York City NY
1959 MM Call Vernon Decatur IN
1959 MM Dwyer Phillip Hibbing MN
1960 SN Moser William Sea Girt NJ





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