Registration For Hullnumber


Please Choose your Command
Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE DD-492 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1941 MM Purpura Deceased 2007 Frank Halifax MA
1941 SO Mccourt Lawrence Oceanside NY
1942 CPTN Zimdars Roy William San Diego CA
1942 GM Smith Lee Kinsley KS
1942 GM Vasser George L Waco TX
1942 LT Phillips (deceased 1993) Edward New York NY
1942 MID3 John Carson Jacksonville IL
1942 PVT Smith Joseph Beaumont TX
1942 SF Puz John Ellwood City PA
1942 SF Puz John Ellwood City PA
1942 SN Moore Vincent Brooklyn NY
1942 SO Mccourt Lawrence Ronkonkoma NY
1943 CPO Ferguson John Roscoe PA
1943 CPO Howell James Raleigh NC
1943 EM Colehour Warren Eden Prairie MN
1943 ENS Kerr Wilmont (curly) Fort Wayne IN
1943 GM Kuhns Kelso Lancaster PA
1943 GM Swancey Ralph B. Canton GA
1943 PVT Kelly Stanly Aberdeen Wa. WA
1943 QM Strand Carl Munising MI
1943 QM Strand Carl Munising MI
1943 SM Croll Thomas Gary IN
1943 ST Pennington Lloyd Konnarock VA
1944 AS Belardo Vincent Albany NY
1944 AS Belardo Vincent Albaney NY
1944 CPO Abare Robert Winchendon MA
1944 MM Shook Jay Caledonia MI
1944 RD Ruggiero James Cleveland OH
1944 RM Russo Daniel Detroit MI
1944 WT Kern John Syracuse IN
1944 WT Leek Owen Goshen IN
1945 WT Mills Tip Oolitic IN
1947 MM Mehring Herb Charlottesville VA
1948 QM Strand Carl Munising MI
1960 Wilkes David New Buffalo MI





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We ask that you enter only enough information about yourself that your shipmates can recall you... Your ORIGINAL HOMETOWN and State are asked for because that confirms who you are in your shipmate's memories.


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