Registration For Hullnumber


Please Choose your Command
Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE CVL-25 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1941 ENS Cobble Paul Aurora MO
1941 ENSN Streetman Vincent Grapeland TX
1942 CPO Bauman Laverne Nokomis IL
1942 RM Rohlfs William Ridgefield Park NJ
1942 SF Aragon Frank San Antonio TX
1942 SF Aragon Frank San Antonio TX
1943 Mcgrority John NJ
1943 AO Salisbury Harold Stockdale OH
1943 AO Todd Herbert Homer NY
1943 BM Coffey Jack Or Richard Dean Stonington IL
1943 BM Hendrickson Hank (d.h.) Middlesboro KY
1943 CM Benson Kenneth Ketchinkan AK
1943 LTJG Law Grady Whitehouse AL
1943 PFC Watts Ikey Cisco TX
1943 RD Saylor Don Middletown OH
1943 RM Cuthbert Francis (red) Lynn MA
1943 SC Basek Raymond Chicago IL
1943 SC Endecott Bill Bates OR
1943 SF Altieri Joseph Queens NY
1943 SN Gill Raymond Warrenton VA
1943 SN Seabaugh John W. Jackson MO
1944 Flatt Merl Rapid City SD
1944 AE Jackson Robert Hillsboro OR
1944 AM Hertzburg Charles Melbourne FL
1944 AS Young Kim Milwaukee WI
1944 ENS Brady Donald New York City NY
1944 HM Birdsall Ross Salt Lake City UT
1944 PFC Dorman James Covington KY
1944 SC Boylan Thomas New York NY
1945 Daniel Jack Dallas TX
1945 -- Kinard Newell Paris TX
1945 AC Neznay William Bayonne NJ
1945 AD Day Robert Riverdale MD
1945 AE Sessions Sylvester Butte MT
1945 AM Wynne Carswell Cochran GA
1945 PFC Babler Kenneth Belleville WI
1945 PM Mcelwain John Weirton WV
1945 PT Martin William Tipton IN
1945 RM La Sorte Alfred Wilmington DE





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