Registration For Hullnumber


Please Choose your Command
Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE CVE-25 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1940 Richardson W.T. Corinth MS
1941 MID2 Medlin Virgil Gainesboro TN
1941 PVT Hagosian George San Francisco CA
1942 -- Ward Marvin Charlotte NC
1942 EM Dixon Paul S Brooklyn NY
1942 EM Weiser Mel Brooklyn NY
1942 LT Parker Jack Houston TX
1942 PC Williams Roy Pittsburgh PA
1942 RD Wallace Roy Milton OR
1942 SM Williams Roy Pittsburgh PA
1943 AM Adams Jerold Washington D.C. DC
1943 AM Van Houten Neal Los Angeles CA
1943 AO Love Hiram Newhall CA
1943 CPO Krenski Francis Ski St. Louis MO
1943 CWO Watkins Bernard R (Skins ) Troy NH
1943 EM Rider Russel Caribou ME
1943 EN Etzler Henri Kirkland WA
1943 FC Morgan Ross H. Gresham OR
1943 LCOL Krummel Julius Lynbrook Ny NY
1943 LT Barton Claude Reed OK
1943 LT Stanek Robert Chicago IL
1943 PH Wrangham Melvin Belmont MA
1943 SM Tremblay James Joseph Cohoes NY
1943 SM Webber Robert Osawatomie KS
1943 TM Melton Everett Wenatchee WA
1943 TM Moore Leo Alapaha GA
1944 Cunningham Philadelphia PA
1944 -- Hagosian George Sanfrancisco CA
1944 BM Brown W.t.
1944 ENS Valeich Edward Jersey City NJ
1944 ENSN Semisch Philadelphia PA
1944 PH Leone Rocco Brooklyn NY
1944 PH Leone Rocco Brooklyn NY
1944 RM O Connell Daniel Francis Bronx NY
1944 SC Nicosia Salvatore River Forest IL
1944 SF Defeo Al E. Boston MA
1944 SK Olcott Richard Port Henry NY
1944 SM Cochran Harold Buffalo WV
1945 Lagambino Franki East Boston MA
1945 Partin James Bowlinggreen KY
1945 AE Geiermann Louis Flat Rock MI
1945 LTJG Gartland Donald Flint MI
1945 RM Groover Donald Johnson City NY
1945 SD Petty Charles Corinth Ms. TN
1946 RD Flippo Ralph Cleveland OH





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