Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE CV-6 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1940 Loftus Francis Youngstown OH
1940 -- Naderer Julian Gmunden AL
1940 CMDR Lenord Charles Newport RI
1940 CMDR Lenord Charles Newport RI
1940 CPTN Barrios San Diego CA
1940 MM Mog Everett Scotia NE
1941 AM Pendleton Robert --
1941 CMDR Donnelly Hugh MA
1941 EM Chockley George (Mike) Mebane NC
1941 EM Sirven Robert Everett WA
1941 ENS Rowney James Victor Baltimore MD
1941 LTJG Fogg Carleton Yarmouth ME
1941 MM Hays John Seattle WA
1941 QM Monteith Clyde Portland OR
1941 RM Dennis Otis Lee Fowler CO
1941 RM Nichols Frank Rensselaer NY
1941 SC Johnson Milo Minneapolis MN
1941 SCPO Hager Verne Findlay OH
1942 AM Palmer James Hodges AL
1942 AO Zuffinetti Mario Mill Valley CA
1942 CWO Cain Howard Racine WI
1942 GM Petrunyak John Lockport NY
1942 SM Culver Frank Los Angeles CA
1942 SM Culver Frank Los Angeles CA
1943 -- Hartmann Marvin Austin TX
1943 AE Gentzkow Richard Silverton OR
1943 AM Northrup Bernard E. Redding CA
1943 AM Northrup Bernard E. Redding CA
1943 AM Northrup Amm3C Bernard E. Redding CA
1943 AO Borgeson Carl Sonoma CA
1943 CPO Samartino Leon Metuchen NJ
1943 CWO Mcintosh Elmer Evansville IN
1943 CWO White Ernest Selma AL
1943 ENS Polak Edward Chicago IL
1943 GM Rader Irwin Fogelsville PA
1943 LT Ray Dewey Portland OR
1943 QM Schar Bernard Chicago IL
1943 QM Schar Bernard Chicago IL
1943 RM Carroll Bernard Newport Beach CA
1943 SM Onstot Richard Davenport IA
1944 Burnett Howard --
1944 -- Thom Herbert Coal City IL
1944 -- Walters Paul Onarga IL
1944 AO Lothringer Charles San Antonio TX
1944 HT Conners All Balto MD
1944 LTJG Ervin Franklyn Houlton ME
1944 MM Patten Allen Lake City IA
1944 RM Thomason Robin Dallas TX
1945 Fred Newhouse Lincoln NE
1945 AM Midgley William Cutchogue NY
1945 AO Gooch Robert Murphysborough TN
1945 GM Kelly Robert NY
1945 RM Mutter William Weeping Water NE
1945 SC Palmer Carl Indianapolis IN
1946 CPTN Dawes Charles Henry Clay VA
1946 CPTN Dawes Charles Henry Mira Loma OH
1947 CPTN Smith John Evan Loma Linda CA
1949 CS Bramblett Ken Flatwoods KY
1958 CPO Carter Wayne Elyria OH
1960 Phillips Richard Hogansburg NY
1960 EN Hall Ross Ocean City NJ
1961 Dull David Ashland Ohio OH
1961 AD Williams Bobbie Alton MO
1961 SF Spurlock James Logan WV
1964 RM Langdon Donald Hudson PA
1964 RM Langdon Donald C. Wilkes-barre PA
1965 AE Samuel Jorgensen Jesup GA
1965 AT Butler William Ny NY
1965 GM Arrington Johnny Iowa LA
1965 SM Buckman Don Clinton IA
1966 AM Hornberger John Lititz PA
1966 FC Bourland Ranae Bremerton WA
1966 FC Ketle Rick Staton Island NY
1967 AM Appleman T.w. Altoona PA
1967 AM Fitzgerald J.r. Unknown MN
1967 AM Hinton G.b. Unknown NJ
1967 AM Norman Kenneth Avis Pa. PA
1967 EA Prisinzano John Staten Island NY
1968 AM Maddy Ted Ozark MO
1968 AM Paitson John Honolulu HI
1969 EW Armstrong James Richfield MN
1969 HM Robieson Timothy Los Alamitos IL
1970 AN Molina Felipe San Antonio TX
1970 BM Gentile Anthony Palm Springs CA
1971 AD Adams Al Arnold PA
1972 BM Santana Rubin Elgin IL
1972 FN Sleeper Mike Napa CA
1972 PH Caballero Fernando Robstown TX
1973 -- Ringwell Scott Millwakee WI
1973 FN Sleeper Mike Napa CA
1973 HT Guiterras Jess Denver CO
1973 HT Guiterras Jess Denver CO
1973 HT Sleeper Michael Napa CA
1974 AS Avery Joe Waltham MA
1976 AM Hamrick Mark Modesto CA
1976 PC Bright George SC
1976 PC Gonzalez Gregory Avon Park FL
1976 PR Montgomery Jeff Brookville IN
1983 Moeller Daniel --
1983 PFC Jerome Keith New York NY
1983 SH Virgil James Richmond VA
1984 SH Kroon Michael New York NY
1988 RM Taylor Chanler Pittsburgh PA
1989 AS Stickney Rhonda Oamaha NE
1990 YN Evans Charles R Temple Hills MD
1992 AD Garcia Mario Chicago IL
1992 LT Flannagan Carl VA
1995 Davila Victor Frederick OK
1995 AD Garcia Mario Chicago IL
1995 AE Lytle Ryan Anthony Charlstown SC
1996 AO
1996 AS Davis Tony Virginia VA
1997 LT Tipps Christopher Mesa AZ
1997 MS Adams Tameka Atlanta GA
1997 MS Adams Tameka Atlanta GA
2003 AB Crummie Nicholas Manchester OH





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