Registration For Hullnumber


Please Choose your Command
Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE CL-106 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1940 Rob Agar Robert K. Agar Jr Sheffield MA
1941 AB Bobbitt St. Clair Enfield NC
1944 EM Capizzio John Brooklyn NY
1945 -- Agar Robert K. Sheffield MA
1945 -- Debach Charles Troy PA
1945 -- Obrien Willard Jacksonville FL
1945 -- Symonds William Clifton Springs NY
1945 AM Simmons Amos Perry FL
1945 AM Towne Louis Middleboro MA
1945 BU Rudy Keith Holton KS
1945 CMDR Torian Melvin Hampton VA
1945 LTJG Goodrich Judson Topeka KS
1945 MM Burger Raymond Glendale NY
1945 MM Major Robert Williamsport PA
1945 PVT Parker Robert Werverly MO
1945 SGT Ramsey William Borger TX
1945 SM Sheldon Rex Rutland VT
1945 SN Burne Philip Scranton NJ
1945 SN Martin Gill Bakersfeild CA
1946 -- Cunningham Carl Akron OH
1946 -- Keith William San Antonio TX
1946 BM Gorham Robert Dorchester MA
1946 FT Deitz William Baltimore MD
1946 GM Caler Charles Aliquippa PA
1946 GM Demars John Whitensville MA
1946 GM Demars John Whitinsville MA
1946 PFC Collins Garland Lake City SC
1946 RD Darling Frank Charlestown MA
1946 SC Caler Charles Aliquippa PA
1946 SK Forman Irwin Brooklyn NY
1947 AS Cuthbertson Robert Rockland ME
1947 BM Getz Richard Massillon OH
1947 CPO Gill Robert Pensacola FL
1947 PFC Kent Alfred Belmont MD
1947 SM Ballero Frank Brooklyn NY
1948 EM Ziegler Tom Napoleon ND
1948 FC Carnevale Gerard Cranston RI
1948 FN Przybylski Jack Hartford CT
1948 FTM Tuck Ray Roanoke VA
1948 LI Santamaria Victor Waltham MA
1949 ET Huntington Fred Virginia Beach VA
1949 FN Hodge James Canton ME
1949 MM Hodge James Canton ME
1949 MM Hodge James Canton ME
1949 MM Stockman Richard Plymouth IN
1949 MM Stout Carroll Wernersville PA





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