Registration For Hullnumber


Please Choose your Command
Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE ATF-67 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1942 LTJG Feuereisen Alfred New York NY
1943 SO Cuskelly John Ny Ny NY
1950 RM Williams Willy Northern States
1951 EN Matthews Earl D. Ozark Al. AL
1951 ET Johnston John Arleigh Kansas City KS
1952 LTJG Miller Robert San Diego CA
1960 EM Fults Bobby Mcninnville TN
1960 EN Harrington Roger Bryan OH
1961 EN Harriman Dennis Riverside CA
1961 EN Harriman Dennis Riverside CA
1962 Bly Roger
1962 Gatchel George
1962 Moss John
1962 Pyle Daniel Aka Gomer
1962 Summerlin Tony
1962 EM Andersson Kurt Minneaplois MN
1963 Heim Ken
1963 BM Paige Ron Fontana CA
1963 CM Haneycookie
1963 GM Hill Aka Gunner
1963 RM Petraglia Art Aka Pete Plainfield NJ
1963 SK Gallager
1963 SK Valentine Charles Concrete WA
1963 SN Johns Dale Paullina IA
1964 Hill Aka Gunner
1964 Ocheski Don
1964 BM Goodrich Walter Jim Dunsmuir CA
1964 CPO Hoff
1964 CWO Zellohaski Cwo Engineman
1964 EM Ferrell John Wayne
1964 EN Blanco Carlos Fresno CA
1964 EN Foster Jerry Marysville OH
1965 EN Fisher Don
1965 EN Gatchel George Barstow CA
1965 EN Horner Jim Los Cruises NM
1965 EN Kennedy John CA
1965 EN Pyle Daniel Buena Park CA
1965 SF Peterson Mike Pete CA
1966 CPO Savoie Rufus Orange County CA
1967 EM Mohn James Kalispell MT
1967 EN Morgan Eddie West Union WV
1967 SK Beikler Thomas Saint Paul MN
1968 BM Zaneski Joe Cutchogue NY
1968 ET Kindrick Gary San Diego CA
1968 RD Gagnon Ron Hampton NH
1969 BM Richardson Chuck San Diego CA
1969 ET Noser John Youngstown OH
1969 RM Crady Larry Santee CA
1969 YN Harris Phillip Joliet IL
1970 BM Ballard William Naples FL
1970 BM Goode Stephen Bakersfield CA
1970 PN Gugino David Gowanda NY
1971 EM Ericson Eric Berkley MI
1972 BM Shipley Ron Jennings KS
1972 Diver Ragsdale Gary San Jose CA
1972 EN Wright Corbin Cottonwood AZ
1973 BM Hodges Steve Cedaredge CO
1973 CWO Simpson Halley Trent TX
1973 EM Moore Kesley Jefferson TX
1973 HT Crenshaw Jim Chicago IL
1973 SM Holderied Al Lansing MI





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