Registration For Hullnumber


Please Choose your Command
Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE AS-13 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1941 CS Zentmire Elton Oakland IA
1941 EM Clauss Milton Charleston SC
1941 SK Young Ross [curley] Lodi CA
1941 SSGT Sowers Robert Toledo OH
1941 YN Bird Eddie Detroit MI
1942 Benson
1942 Gann
1942 Peer George Greenville MI
1942 Red Perkins
1942 -- Canada Gordan Talladega AL
1942 CPO Arsenault
1942 CPO Haloga
1942 EM Bower Jack Lincoln Park MI
1942 EM Spencer Boulder Dam?
1942 FT Miglis Charles Brooklyn NY
1942 MM Baldus Everett Ankeny IA
1942 MM Bower Gene Grand Rapids MI
1942 MM Niette Luther Marthaville LA
1942 PM Lawrence Warren Accord NY
1942 SC Roach Garland Grant City Mo. MO
1942 SF Keane Eddie Rockland MA
1942 SF Niffin Bob/robert
1942 SF Payne Or Paine Dick/richard
1942 SM Dickson Joe Denton TX
1942 SM Hays Charles John Chicago IL
1942 SN Loveall Hugh Chilhowee MO
1942 YN Spenceley Henry New York NY
1943 Skelly ? Detroit MI
1943 21 Harris Palo Alto CA
1943 CPO Eddie Swarff All I Can Remember I Columbus OH
1943 CS Macon Bill Pensacola FL
1943 MM Perry Joseph Newport RI
1943 MM Zimmerman Jerry Chicago IL
1943 SC Rogers Ernest Warren Steamboat Springs CO
1943 TM Monroe George Wichita
1944 -- Crosa James Miami FL
1944 -- Crosa James Miami FL
1944 SM Cook James Thomas Aqcuilla MO
1945 CS Patterson Carl Bad Axe MI
1945 RM George Frank Clearwater FL
1945 TE Marbach Robert Denver CO





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