Registration For Hullnumber


Please Choose your Command
Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE APA-224 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1940 Richard Wilson New York City NY
1941 CPTN Graham Powell Milton OR
1943 Moore William Phoenix AZ
1943 BM Weeks Harry Indianola MS
1944 BM Isbell Jackson Richnond VA
1944 BM Isbell Jackson Richmond VA
1944 BM Lewis Edward Holyoke CO
1944 EM Clausen Duane Howells NE
1944 EM Clausen Duane Howells NE
1944 MM Hooker Harold Francesville IN
1944 PM Wentworth Charles Bucksport ME
1944 QM Baker Willam Oakland CA
1944 SF Seavy Ted Huntley MT
1945 LTJG Stanton John C St. Louis MO
1946 EN Mills Rod Woodburn OR
1946 MM Moeller Fred Richmond ME
1948 EM Vicary Robert Lincoln NE
1948 TM George Donald Houston TX
1949 SN Vigal Richard Springfield IL
1950 SN Krochman Norbert Wauconda IL
1951 Casey Jack Kansas City MO
1951 RM Ingalls Al Malden MA
1951 RM Melton Troy Birmningham AL
1951 RM Melton Troy Birmningham AL
1951 RM Melton Troy Birmingham AL
1951 SM Rukstalis Daniel Brooklyn NY
1952 BM John J. Walsh Brooklyn NY
1952 BM Underwood Vann Norfolk VA
1952 BM Walsh John Brooklyn NY
1952 DT Gonsalves Paul Woburn MA
1952 EN Kehl Andrew Greenport NY
1952 EN Seekins Pearley Searsport ME
1952 LTJG Bowden Frederick Upper Darby PA
1952 TE Davis Douglas Danville IL
1953 DC Ubell Alvin Brooklyn Ny NY
1954 ET Skare Vern Rochester MN
1954 QM Olson Peter Bklyn NY
1954 QM Winberg Albert F Flint MI
1954 SM Lally So Boston MA
1955 ENS Endres Joseph Chicago IL
1956 EM Jacobs [Jake] Fred Newtown Sq. PA
1957 Pierce Harold Columbus OH
1958 Annis Rowland --





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