Registration For Hullnumber


Please Choose your Command
Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE AOG-1 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1944 ENSN Wirsch William Cleveland OH
1944 PVT Mills James Evansville IN
1944 SK Truetken James R. St. Louis MO
1949 DC Chamberlain Eugene Trenton NJ
1949 EM Mcneese Frankfort KY
1949 FN Cockrum Briant Seattle WA
1951 EN Grant Richard South Bend IN
1951 IC Bible Clyde G Burnet TX
1953 RM Mahan Joe Beaumont TX
1965 EN Simon William Russia OH
1965 IC Craig Dale San Jose CA
1965 LT Mceachen David Los Alamitos CA
1965 SF Duvall Norman KY
1966 BM Smith Eugene Middlesburg PA
1966 EN Gutierrez Jr. Reyes San Antonio TX
1966 EN Miller Aaron L Princeton MN
1966 EN Smith Raymond Freeburg PA
1966 EN Thompson David Clio MI
1966 EN Thompson David Clio MI
1966 EN West David Grand Rapids MI
1966 HM Bales Joe Whittier CA
1966 PN Murto John Washington DC
1966 SF Rodgers Mitchell New Orleans La. LA
1966 SK Scheidweiler Gustavo Guayanilla PR
1966 SK Scheidweiler Bernard Corning NY
1966 SN Moolenaar Ken Freeport NY
1966 YN Bell Jerry Costa Mesa CA
1966 YN Johnson Larry Chehalis WA
1967 BM Hansen Gary Columbia City OR
1967 EN West David Grand Rapids MI
1967 ET Dobbs Ray Saratoga CA
1967 IC Leary Bob Allen Park MI
1967 SK Vega Gustavo Bronx NY
1967 SK Vega Gustavo Guayanilla NY
1967 SK Vega Gustavo Guayanilla PR
1968 BM Blair Richard North Hollywood CA
1968 SK Vega Gustavo A Bronx Ny NY
1968 SK Vega Gustavo A Guayanilla Puerto Rico NY
1968 SK Vega Gustavo Guayanilla NY
1968 SM Jenkins James (jimmy) Porstsmouth VA
1968 SM Jenkins James(jimmy) Portsmouth VA
1968 SM Raschke Gregory Amityville NY
1968 SN Bryce Barry Mckeesport PA
1968 SN Carroll Richard Sacramento CA
1969 ENS Hilberry Dave Speedway IN
1969 SN Payne George Shelton CT





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