Registration For Hullnumber


Please Choose your Command
Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE AMS-289 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1960 EW Haynes Carl Hayfork CA
1962 SM Nierling Charles Champaign IL
1962 SM Nierling Charles Champaign IL
1966 CS Espinoza Renaldo San Martin Ca. MT
1967 Purdy Stephen
1967 Willis Thomas
1967 BM Chase Richard
1967 BM Filger Ron ID
1967 BM Parsons James
1967 BM Pearson
1967 BM Whitcutt Gary Edmonds WA
1967 CPO Lee Ulysses
1967 CS Segal Richard
1967 DC Goodlett Thomas
1967 EM Boyd Clifford
1967 EM Ranes James
1967 EN Mitchell Curtis AL
1967 EN O Neill Robert
1967 EN Splangler Flyoyd
1967 EN Splangler Floyd
1967 EN West Ron
1967 EN Wiggins Earl
1967 EN Wright Marvin
1967 ET Jones Charles
1967 ET Maccrady Ben
1967 GM Gagnage Bruce
1967 HM Bartholemew Ralph
1967 LT Cole Edward
1967 LT Ewing Robert
1967 LTJG Birchmier Charles ID
1967 LTJG Dillon James
1967 LTJG Mcginnis William
1967 QM Bloomquist Gary
1967 RD Chesnut Jack
1967 RD Prater Gil MS
1967 RD Ruple Wayne AL
1967 RM Farmer Jerry
1967 SD Querido Justo
1967 SK Ryder Fred
1967 SM Fournier Dale WY
1967 SM Lindquist Anton
1967 SN Benson Michael OR
1967 ST Clay Ralph
1967 YN Deguzman Tito
1968 CS Napoli Michael Sacramento CA





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We ask that you enter only enough information about yourself that your shipmates can recall you... Your ORIGINAL HOMETOWN and State are asked for because that confirms who you are in your shipmate's memories.


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