Registration For Hullnumber


Please Choose your Command
Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE AKA-9 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1941 Pelletier Joseph New Bedford MA
1941 ?? Boswell Raymond New Bedford MA
1941 BM Lester Charles Loranger LA
1941 BM Smith Carl Chillicothe OH
1941 CPO Anderson Sherman Edmore ND
1941 CPO Dixon Lenard New Bedford MA
1941 EM Doyon Marcel Manville RI
1942 Richter George San Fernando CA
1942 -- Wilson Robert Allen Salt Lake City UT
1942 GM Meredith (deceased) Thomas J. New Bedford MA
1942 RM Delzell (deceased) Albert Leroy Murphysboro IL
1942 SF Hastings Lee Hamlin TX
1943 Mestan Edward Chicago IL
1943 -- Leinweber Arthur Bay St. Louis MS
1943 BM Heuer Edward New Orleans LA
1943 EM Mendenhall Cleo Houston TX
1943 LTJG Burston Richard Brookline MA
1943 MM Farrell Joseph Donald Bayport NY
1943 RD Hester Roa Maxey Alma AR
1943 RM Meyers Clyde Baton Rouge LA
1943 RM Reed Warren G. Alma AR
1944 PVT Rathbun Roy Streator IL
1944 SF Scheiperpeter Robert St Louis MO
1944 SM Jones Ted Wayne PA
1944 SM Lutz Deceased Robert Pittsburgh PA
1945 MS Loomis Arthur Hammond IN
1946 FN Hackler Robert Racine WI





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We ask that you enter only enough information about yourself that your shipmates can recall you... Your ORIGINAL HOMETOWN and State are asked for because that confirms who you are in your shipmate's memories.


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After you add yourself to your ship's roster, a form will open that will ask if you want to remember any of your ship mates. You can add any number of shipmates.

When any of the Shipmates you remember register with, you will receive a notification email.