Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE AG-153 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1961 IC Erway Robert Elmira NY
1961 IC Figert Charles Niles OH
1961 QM Harman Larry Zanesville OH
1963 EM Tessmer William Forty Mile IL
1964 RM Mc Cormick Donald Linwood Nj NJ
1966 DC Davis John Harrisonburg VA
1966 EM Mc Callin Jack West Chester PA
1966 ET Maupin John Portsmouth VA
1966 ET Mcmahon Bill Baltimore MD
1966 SN Jones Ronald Raleigh NC
1967 LT Cashin Larry Melrose MA
1967 QM Hughes Joe Falls Church VA
1967 RM Rodriguez Edward San Antonio TX
1967 SN Knight Timothy Sn Portsmouth OH
1968 EM Buckley James Boston MA
1968 ET May Stephen Jefferson City TN
1968 SF Dye Thad Albany OH
1969 BM Bowman Dallas
1969 ET Semmens Jerry
1969 RM Young Robert Ellington Ny NY
1970 ET Asbury Terence Bay Area CA
1970 RM Kinder James Belleville Illinois IL
1970 SK Mccurry John Detroit MI
1970 YN Winfield Daniel Louisville KY
1971 BT Russell Richard St. Johnsbury VT
1971 CS Hank Don Cranford NJ
1971 HT Modracek Larry Cedar Rapids IA
1971 MM Meston Lawrence Rush NY
1972 HT Dietz Gary Philadelphia PA
1972 QM Baranuk Daniel North Royalton OH
1973 ET Mcclure Gary Mannington WV
1973 NC Mcclure Gary Mannington WV
1974 EM Bieselin Robert College Point NY
1975 BM Martz Robert (bob) Chicago IL
1976 MM Suddendorf Mark Northville MI
1977 CPO Brown Richard Alpharetta GA
1977 ET Adamson Randall Indianapolis IN
1977 MS Ortiz Reinaldo New York NY
1977 SK Nunez Siceron New York NY
1978 ET Besterman Bill Brick NJ
1978 PN Martin Richard Tiffin OH
1979 MM Oleary Marshall Tony WI





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