Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE AF-28 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1940 Bradshaw Howard Derby CT
1940 Lord John Cape May Court House NJ
1940 Turner Mitchell Morgantown WA
1940 Turner Mitchell Morgantown WV
1944 Vericker William A.
1944 BM Johnson William Knoxie Hartsville SC
1944 CM Johnson William Hartsville SC
1944 EM Rummerfield Donald Kirksville MO
1944 LTJG Phillips Odell Brookport IL
1944 SF Bordonali Benjamin Goshen NY
1944 SF Roberts John Wilmington NC
1944 SK Vericker Bill New Milford NJ
1945 CM Zappacosta Don D.
1945 SC Whitson Giles A Gorham IL
1946 WT Cooksey George Irvington NJ
1947 Barns Eugene Denison TX
1947 Russo Frank New York NY
1947 LTJG Price James D. Virginia Beach VA
1948 QM Letts Edward Haledon NJ
1948 SF Morse Hartwell Cazenovia NY
1948 SK Hammond Winston Newport VT
1949 RM Rentz Roland St Paul MN
1949 SK Dickens Dempsey Martinsville VA
1950 RM Gerald Richard Charlotte NC
1951 BM Ott John Emmitsburg MD
1951 RD Bellisle Robert Hudson NH
1951 SN Mcdowell Edward Belleville NJ
1952 BT Flesher Billy Pennsboro WV
1952 SM Hedrick John Lynchburg VA
1953 BT Barnes James New York NY
1953 CS Stearns Robert Cleveland OH
1954 BM Grywacz James Amherst WI
1954 DK Braun Carl Sunbury PA
1954 EM Giles Henry Quincy MA
1954 MM Gibbs Patrick Green Bay WI
1954 SH Bracale Philip Hershey PA
1954 SK Purinton James Bradenton FL
1954 SM Price James Kingsland TX
1955 BT Buzzeo Rich Brooklyn Ny NJ
1955 CS Walkush Robert T. Stevens Point WI
1955 EM Lieurance Floyd Norfolk VA
1955 IC De Lisle Louis Detroit MI
1955 MM Heddle John St. Paul MN
1955 MM Thompson John Converse IN
1955 RD Finkelstein. (farrow) Bernard Monticello NY
1956 BT Kowalski Robert Cliffside Park Nj NJ
1956 CS Tinsley Edward Muskegon MI
1956 FN Amatore Ronald Rochester NY
1956 MM Reymann Albert Brooklyn NY
1956 MM Shimel Rick Milwaukee WI
1957 LCDR Whittle Wayne Norfolk VA
1957 SN Johnson Paul Jamestown NY
1957 YN Walkush Richard J. Stevens Point WI
1958 EM Dearwester Lenne Denver CO
1958 EM Fair Phill PA
1958 EM Oneil Robert Pellston MI
1958 EM White Bob Huntington WV
1958 EN Breckenfeld Bruce Dousman WI
1958 RM Coffman David Roseburg OR
1958 RM Durden Jeffery Blackshear GA
1958 RM Mcentire Byron Redondo Beach CA
1958 SM Woods Wayne Yonkers NY
1959 BM Searles Richard (dick) Westport MA
1959 BM Sylvester William Queens NY
1959 IC Carrigan John Tarrytown NY
1959 MA Williams James Louisville KY
1959 SH Wolf George Detroit MI
1959 SK Smith Aubrey Wausau FL
1959 YN German Bill Greeley PA
1960 AE Luepke Carl And Faye Glenwood City WI
1960 BM Watson Charles Woodlynne NJ
1960 BM Watson Charles Woodlynne NJ
1960 EM Luepke Carl Glenwood City WI
1960 FT Shirey Donald J Chicao Il VA
1960 HM Deslauriers Richard Acushnet MA
1960 YN Hare Claude Maquoketa IA
1960 YN Nelson Howard Holland VT
1961 BT Riso Thomas Baldwin NY
1961 MM Foster Willie C Columbus OH
1961 MM Jaquith Mark E. Bridgewater MA
1961 RD Michelin Adam Ny NY
1961 SF Maragliano Jerome Buffalo NY
1961 SK Fowler Toney Lebanon TN
1961 YN Kilgore Nick Anniston AL
1962 BT Edington James Port Huron MI
1962 ENS Eisbrenner Arthur Lewistown PA
1962 HM Williams Robert (bob) Parkersburg WV
1962 RD Eisbrenner Arthur Lewistown PA
1962 RD Michelin Adam New York NY
1962 RM Lasley Cecil Middlesboro KY
1962 SK Thompson Richard Boomer WV
1962 SM Toney Robert Montgomery AL
1962 YN Kilgore Hiawatha Anniston AL
1963 BT Sodren Darrel Minneapolis MN
1963 DK Jenkins Ralph Baltimore MD
1963 DP Hall Richard Morgantown WV
1963 EM Albers Robert R. Valley Stream NY
1963 FN Houser Richard Palmyra PA
1963 IC Grajirena Rick Miami FL
1963 MM Vangilder Dexter Clarksburg WV
1963 RM Lechner Joe Elmwood WI
1963 RM Lipford Terry Rapid City SD
1963 SM Diggs Howard M. (buddy) Kimberly WV
1963 SM Lane Joe Pittsburgh PA
1963 SN Cosgrove Mike Alba IA
1963 SN Trainor Thomas Lawrence MA
1964 BM Lane Francis Long Branch NJ
1964 BM Nelson Robert Minneapolis MN
1964 ENS Bivens Ed Albemarle NC
1964 HM Giordano Anthony Kane PA
1964 MM Redington Louis Phila. PA
1964 RD Dimmer James Toledo OH
1964 RM Collins Robert South Glens Falls NY
1964 RM Ricard Gerald Canton CT
1964 SCPO Bumgarner Robert Numa IA
1964 SF Bowen Richard Baltimore MD
1964 SN Curry Kenneth Marion OH
1964 SN Giordano Anthony Bradford PA
1964 SN Walker Nick Lansing MI
1964 ST Bashwinger William Amsterdam NY
1964 YN Riley Richard Springfield VA
1965 BT Johnson Dennis Walpole MA
1965 BT Theriault Mark (mouse) Stoughton MA
1965 DK Dent James Hannibal MO
1965 DP Mathews Ken San Leandro CA
1965 LTJG Quinlan Robert Pittsburgh PA
1965 RD Galbo James Indianapolis IN
1965 RM Wilson Ken Martisnville VA
1965 SK Nowak John Buffalo NY
1965 SN Burns Dale Siouxcity IA
1966 DP Posey Don Lafayette CO
1966 EM Beal Dean Mansfield OH
1966 EM Darr Richard Hyattsville MD
1966 EM Davis Aubrey Sylvania GA
1966 ET Thompson Toby Lady Lake FL
1966 IC Tate Eddy Mineral Wells TX
1966 LCDR Vannaman Thomas Midland TX
1966 LTJG Carlson Rune Seattle WA
1966 MM Hester Allen Maysville KY
1966 RD Bradshaw Howard Derby CT
1966 RD Bradshaw Howard Derby CT
1966 RM Wheeler Robert Bryan OH
1966 SK Shepard Vernon Marshalltown IA
1966 SN Mayko Glenn Harrisburg Pa PA
1967 FT Ohlhues Daniel Vero Beach FL
1967 RM Colla James E. Hartford CT
1967 RM Davis Delbert IA
1967 RM Davis Delbert
1967 RM Escher Dennis New Holstein WI
1967 SK Lawhorn Eddie Roanoke VA
1967 SK Perrotta Michael Brockton MA
1968 DP Stralow Paul Rockford IL
1968 DP Stralow Paul Machesney Park IL
1968 IC Schaefer Gilbert Grand Junction CO
1968 SK Dippery Brian Williamsport PA
1968 SK Preston John Andrews TX
1968 SM Chagnon Pete Burlington VT
2011 CPO Reeves Ron Philadelphia PA





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