Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE AE-5 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1940 Vasallo New York City NY
1940 BM Martin Antinio Chicago IL
1940 ET Shaw Sanny Absecond NJ
1940 SM Simon William Port Chicago CA
1941 LTJG Kenney Charles Clarksburg MO
1942 SN Karriker John Landis NC
1943 CT Bryant William Paragould AR
1945 AD Lurz Richard Jupiter FL
1949 BM Ward Terry San Gabriel CA
1951 Freeman Wesley Waipahu HI
1951 BM Appelt Joseph San Antonio TX
1951 EM Weise John Bonneau SC
1951 EM Weise John Rockdale TX
1951 IC Chambers Lester Carlyle KS
1951 SN Brown Larry Gastonia NC
1951 SN Brown Larry Gastonia NC
1952 EN Cook Leslie Milton WA
1954 IC Summers Paul Bakersfield CA
1954 MCPO Summers Paul Bakersfield CA
1954 YN Edington Dennis Cleveland MS
1955 BM Walker Billy Henryetta OK
1956 SM Mckinney Robert Charlotte NC
1956 SN Bonadio Joseph Wooster OH
1957 EN Small Melvin Norfork AR
1957 IC Halstead John Blanchard OK
1958 BM Foote Robert Eugene OR
1958 EM Moose James Astoria IL
1958 EM Small Melvin Calico AR
1958 QM Lunn Joe Columbus GA
1958 RM Granger Ray Sag Harbor NY
1958 SM Ridenour Bob Skiatook OK
1958 SM Willis Jim Denver CO
1958 SN Turk Al Ripon CA
1959 BM Honsicker James San Francisco CA
1960 BM Marshall ? Killeen TX
1960 BT Klein Mike St Helens OR
1960 CS Creel Gaston Columbia TN
1960 EM Schurwon Frank Texas City TX
1960 EM Schurwon Frank Texas City TX
1960 EN Phillips Jack Baytown TX
1960 GM Coupland Gary Niles OH
1960 MR Ryden Bruce E. Minneapolis MN
1960 RM Welch William Coweta OK
1960 YN Fuller Larry Longview WA
1960 YN Miller Stanley Houston CA
1961 BM Pigron Bm3 Jimmy Sr. Lafayette LA
1961 ENS Tucker Duane Oxnard CA
1961 RM Couch Walter Jacksonville OR
1961 SK Garner Glenn Campbell CA
1962 BM Tremble Charlie Lubic TX
1962 EN Matthews James Lakin KS
1962 LTJG Seger Christian Tulsa TX
1962 RM Clements Bobby Birmingham AL
1962 SN Williams Ted Youngstown OH
1962 SN Williams Ted Youngstown OH
1963 LTJG Richardson Jerry Oklahoma City OK
1963 MM Cherosky Ski Gladen PA
1963 QM Kiarsis Felix Phoenix AZ
1963 SN Whitaker Walter Boise ID
1964 BM Bates Charlie Lubic TX
1964 BM Bohnstengel Howard Grand Rapids MI
1964 BM Davis Maynard Pitsburgh PA
1964 BM Morris Glenn Chyane WY
1964 BM Trimble Charlie Lubic TX
1964 EM Richter Robert Santa Cruz CA
1964 EM Richter Robert Santa Cruz CA
1964 EN Nelson Dale Sacramento CA
1964 ENS Wilson Dean Chicago IL
1964 PN Channell Thomas Memphis TN
1964 SF Howe Marvin Carsonville MI
1964 SK Althouse Warren Lompoc CA
1964 SK Althouse Warren Lompoc CA
1964 SM Surran Richard Sharon Hill PA
1964 SM Surran Richard Sharon Hill PA
1964 SN Tremble Charlie Lubick TX
1965 Elkins Bob Elmonte CA
1965 BM Bosshardt James OR
1965 BM Callaway John Detroit MI
1965 BM Ushler Frank Atlantic City NJ
1965 BM Ushler Frank Atlantic City NJ
1965 EM Parsons Steve Houston TX
1965 LT Lee --
1965 LTJG Stegmeir George Miami FL
1965 PN Davis James Nyc NY
1965 RD Panico Robert Brooklyn NY
1965 RM Fitzcharles Bill Albany OR
1965 RM Gray George Vale OR
1965 SCPO Gembler Larry San Antonio TX
1965 SF Gembler Larry Marion TX
1965 SF Smith Gerald (jerry) San Antonio TX
1965 SK Jones Jimmie Albany OR
1965 SK Smith James San Diego CA
1965 SM Lenz Joe Bethpage NY
1965 SM Lenz Joe Bethpage NY
1965 SM Lenz Joe Bethpage NY
1965 SM Nelson Dale Sacramento CA
1965 YN O Brien Tom Fergus Falls MN
1966 Davis Paul Arkadelphia AR
1966 Mannion Ed St. Joseph MO
1966 Marko Denny Detroit MI
1966 Wigley Jim Scranton PA
1966 BM Byrom Jim Dallas TX
1966 BM Davis Paul Arkadelphia OK
1966 BM Kinion Jack AR
1966 BM Kinion Jack AR
1966 BM Stimson Ron Ontario OR
1966 CMDR Monroe --
1966 DK Blackston Jim Sidney OH
1966 DK Schaeffler Robert Syracuse NY
1966 EM Gresham Phillip Kansas City MO
1966 EM Gresham Phillip Kansas City MO
1966 EM Parsons Steve Houston TX
1966 EN Montgomery Luden ND
1966 GM Atkinson Ronald David Detroit (windsor Ontario) MI
1966 GM Bilderback Gus San Antonio TX
1966 GM Kepler Larry Kansas City Kansas KS
1966 GM Macheledt Warren Duluth MN
1966 GM Macheledt Warren Duluth MN
1966 RM Heist Gene High Ridge MO
1966 SH Young Riley Sheffield AL
1966 SK Walls Mike Long Island NY
1966 SM Dunn Phillip Compton CA
1966 SN Simpson Eddie Kansas City MO
1966 SN Wallace Phillip Daytona Beach FL
1967 BM Norwood Oliver Columbus GA
1967 BT Smith Ed Seward AK
1967 BT Smith Ed Seward AK
1967 EN Lockett Robert Baltamore MD
1967 GM Macheledt Warren Duluth MN
1967 SM Goodwin Harold Hopkins SC
1967 SM Goodwin Harold R Hopkins SC
1967 SM Powell Bobby Portola CA
1967 SM Striplin Gerry Shreveport LA
1967 SM Temple Steven Sheldon IL
1968 BM Collier Phillip Lapeer MI
1968 BM Sprinkle Melvin Cooperstown IL
1968 BT Ron Slusser KY
1968 BT Hoffman Kelly Orrville OH
1968 BT Hoffman Kelly Orrville OH
1968 BT Meadows Dennis PA
1968 BT Meadows Dennis
1968 BT Slusser Ron Fort Knox KY
1968 BT Slusser Ron Ft.knox KY
1968 BT Smith Donald Chicago IL
1968 CS Phillips Roger Gainesville FL
1968 DC Reed George St James MO
1968 EM De La Rosa Raul ( Rudy ) Fresno CA
1968 EM Garcia Frank Panhandle TX
1968 EM Granboise Joe Glasgow MT
1968 EM Ratliff Larry Torrington WY
1968 EN Latini Ron
1968 EN Latini John
1968 EN Sentell Frank Greenville SC
1968 EN Sentell Frank Greenville SC
1968 EN Vile Ed OH
1968 EN Zukosky William Verona NJ
1968 EN Zukosky William Verona NJ
1968 GM Wright Greg Rockford. IL
1968 IC Wentworth Edson Bowling Green OH
1968 MID3 Vile Ed OH
1968 MM Balek John Chicago IL
1968 MM Gonzales Frank Fresno CA
1968 MM Voegtle Gary Belleville IL
1968 SF Hayden Merle MO
1968 SF Hayden Merl Granite City IL
1968 SM Olson Lyle San Diego CA
1968 SN Freeman William Cucamonga CA
1968 YN Tongish David Littleton CO
1968 YN Tongish David Littleton CO
1969 BM Gaul Dennis Green Lane PA
1969 BM Laqua Ron Ladson SC
1969 GM Gautreaux Rufus Batson TX
1969 LTJG Nixon Jim Berkeley CA
1969 RM Desantis Jack Lawrence MA
1969 RM Hill Bob Medford MA
1969 SN Gaul Dennis Green Lane PA





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