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U.S.S. MEGARA (ARVE-6) Crew Photos

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1952 William F. Stipes AN............................Shipmates pic..................( USS Megara Email Group )
1952 Megara officers-Change of command Devito to Lape Abt July 1952 ..Shipmates Pic. ( USS Megara Email Group )
1952 Capt. Lape takes command of Megara Abt. July 1952..........Shipmates pics........( USS Megara Email Group )
1952 Fayal Azores Momento.Remember the long lines ??...............Shipmates Pic. ( USS Megara Email Group }
1952 Megara officers Cpt. Lape commanding 1952/53.....................Shipmates pic.............( USS Megara Email Group )
1952 Tony Miglionico and unknown shipmates..........................Shipmates pic.............( USS Megara Email Group )
1952 Capt. Devito Megara skipper 1951/52 Change of command to Lape Mid 1952...Shipmates pic. ( USS Megara Email Group )
1952 Jan 5 1952 1st. Year anniversery after recommishing.........Shipmates pic...................... ( USS Megara Email Group )
1952 Unknown occasion Megara shipmates abt. 1952............Shipmates pic..............( USS Megara Email Group )
1952 Greek Airfield Exercise..........................
1952 Megara........................
1952 This fell into the water in 1952- Diver used to retrieve.............Shipmates pic.
1952 Megara at Jacksonville drydock 1952..............Shipmates pic.
1952 A view from the tankdeck of the Megara-------Shipmates pic.
1952 Unknown cpo and Bob Bunch..........................................Shipmates pic.
1952 Curtis Burke......................................................Shipmates pic.
1952 Diver after heavy equipment sunk...............................Shipmates pics..........
1952 Duane Anteau at the helm..Shipmates pic...( All pics. I upload are from shipmates of the USS Megara Email Group )
1952 Duane Anteau Drydock Jacksonville Fla......................Shipmates pics.
1952 Duane Anteau sn..............................................Shipmates pic....................
1952 Greek Airfield--------------------------------------------------Shipmates Pic............
1952 Halsey ......................................................................Shipmates pic..........1952 ??
1952 Megara Jacksonville Florida.............................................Shipmates Pic.
1952 Megara LCVP......................................................Shipmates pic.
1952 Entering Malta- English island.......................................Shipmates pic.