Registration For Hullnumber


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Please Choose Your Hull Number
IF YOU ARE LISTED ON THE SSN-755 Roster below click on your last name otherwise read the disclaimer below and click the button to register and be added to the list.
Year Rank/Rate Last Name First Name Hometown Home State
1944 ENSN Angleo James J. Dudley PA
1982 RM Grubbs David Rockwall TX
1982 RM Miller Stephen Altoona PA
1987 CPO Abercrombie Marvin Tampa FL
1987 CPO Hughes Eldred Grove City OH
1987 CWO Burns Alex Columbus GA
1987 MM Ditmars John Interlaken NY
1987 MM Rodgers Tom Panama City FL
1987 MM Steele Charles Kershaw SC
1987 MS Crane Tyler Union Springs NY
1987 SCPO Lockhart Donald Colchester CT
1987 SCPO Perry George Fall River MA
1988 CPO Backes Charles Shamokin PA
1988 EM Malpass Blake Santa Cruz CA
1988 ET Ansell Tim Connellsville PA
1988 ET Hixson Jeff Ligonier PA
1988 FT Webster Robert Orlando FL
1988 MM Hampton Wayne New Orleans LA
1988 MM Larson Dwight Omaha NE
1988 RM Dand Kirk Pembroke MA
1988 RM Randolph James Lexington KY
1988 RM Shigley Robert Key West FL
1988 SCPO Masterson Daryl Belleville IL
1988 ST Allen Jonathan Cleveland OH
1989 EM Agnew Kevin Newark DE
1989 EM Lazio Nino Fort Walton Beach FL
1989 ET Brummett Verne Oklahoma City OK
1989 ET Bussey Scott Englewood NJ
1989 ET Johnson Neil Greenville
1989 ET Mccann Michael Levittown PA
1989 IC Rodak Michael Rochester NY
1989 MT Sanders Thomas Grand Rapids MN
1989 QM Stammer Edward Pasadena TX
1989 ST Antes Quentin Conway MA
1989 ST Davis Ernie Weatherly PA
1990 MM Monell Jeff Riverview FL
1990 MM Roh Nick Lacrosse WI
1990 MS Bell Sean Pittsburgh PA
1990 RM Grubbs David Rockwall TX
1990 SCPO Sutherland Michael New Orleans LA
1990 SN Harvel Jerry Union City TN
1990 YN Masi Matthew Ocean NJ
1990 YN Young Don Hughesville PA
1991 EM Graham Jeffrey Collinsville IL
1991 EM Ramsey Terrance Grand Rapids MI
1991 EM Storms Bruce Unionville NY
1991 EM Wright Patrick Greenfield MA
1991 ET Lacey Darren South Bend IN
1991 MCPO Miles Howard Seneca KS
1991 MCPO Pindell William Baltimore MD
1991 MM Matak Chuck Beaumont TX
1991 MM Sutton Craig Rogers AR
1991 ST Brubach Scott Tacoma WA
1991 ST Turvey Adam Plainfield IL
1991 ST Turvey Adam Plainfield IL
1991 ST Wheaton Brad Aurora IL
1991 ST Wheaton Brad North Aurora IL
1991 YN Mook John Simi Valley CA
1992 FT Wayne Hakenjos Bellingham MA
1992 MCPO Rathgeber Edward Toms River NJ
1992 MM Sutton Craig Rogers AR
1992 MS Bagwell Robert (bags) Kokomo IN
1992 QM Trumpower Brian Norwalk OH
1992 RM Mueller Pat --
1992 TM Young Jeff Wilmar AR
1993 ET Lewis Keith Pueblo CO
1993 FT Brooker Brian Ft. Meade FL
1993 MM Ramos Robert Long Beach NY
1993 MM Regener James Boonville IN
1993 MM Regener James Boonville IN
1993 MM Schrack Andrew New London CT
1993 ST Huffer Ronald Logan OH
1993 ST Lariviere Scott Providence RI
1993 TM Muniz Angel Bronx NY
1994 CPO Hoover Ralph St. Petersburg FL
1994 ET Hill Steve Costa Mesa CA
1994 ET Pearson Jeff Hart MI
1994 HM Zalich Kevin Daytona Beach FL
1994 MM Kazup Dan Windsor CT
1994 TM Krassner Scott Fredericksburg VA
1995 MT Croston Scott Orlando FL
1995 SK Gordon Michael Catoosa OK
1995 ST Kelley Jeff Salem VA
1996 MM Lapoite Ron Bristol CT
1996 MM Rainey Bob Cleveland OH
1996 YN Martinez Oscar San Antonio TX
1997 CMDR Ramirez Joel Washington Heights NY
1997 EM Shaffer Duane Danville PA
1997 MM Hall Randy Marion NC
1997 MM Poole Bill Bronx NY
1997 ST Chahanovich Chris Quinebaug CT
1998 ET Davies Rob Aiea HI
1998 ET Farnsworth Rick Riverside RI
1998 ET Smalley Robert Toledo OH
1999 CT Ramirez Joel San German PR
1999 ET Lewis Daniel Brackenridge PA
1999 SK Johnson Danny Canandaigua NY
2000 CPO Crossno Robert Memphis TN
2000 ET Ayala Enrique Atlanta GA
2000 ET Bjork Harold Valley Springs CA
2000 ET Goodwin Ray Navy Brat MS
2000 ST Crossno Robert Memphis TN
2001 ET Dowdell Shannon Humble TX
2001 MM Giles Raymond Longview TX
2002 ET Scruggs Mason Spartanburg SC
2002 FT Anderson Jonathan Louisville KY
2002 MM Firestone Robert Plymouth IN
2003 MM Irons David Austinburg OH
2009 CPO Kyzar Kristopher Cookeville TN
2010 MM Azeez Kasib Norfolk VA
2010 MM Christensen Wesley Titusville FL





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